Monday, December 30, 2019
Antigone And The Adjustment Bureau Essay - 1066 Words
Treyvor Hess Ms. Gottner PreAP Hour 5 20, December, 2017 Comparing â€Å"Antigone†and The Adjustment Bureau Characters’ Choices and Consequences Many movies are based off of books so they are very similar, but have you ever noticed that a movie and a piece of writing completely unrelated can have many similarities. One that was recently brought to my attention was between the movie Adjustment Bureau and the play â€Å"Antigone†. The play and movie have a couple similarities but one that sticks out to me is the characters choices and consequences. The main characters I noticed was David Norris and Creon. They both were major parts in their piece of art so they made many choices that had consequences. They both had something to do with politics†¦show more content†¦They have a couple things that really stand out, one being politics and another I noticed being the act of defying a higher power. Creon defied a seer in his story. Creon goes and decides to defy Tiresias, a very old seer. Tiresias is a seer which means they can predict the future and warn people about what is to come for them if it is bad. Now Tire sias has been in this game for a long time, probably even dating back farther than Creon’s parents. Tiresias definitely knows what he’s doing. Tiresias tells Creon of a sight he had about Creon. It is very bad for Creon it is a sight telling of his whole family dying but Creon doesn’t want to believe it. Creon disgraces Tiresias and is very rude to him. Creon defies Tiresias and gets his whole family killed in the process. Defying a higher power did not go so well for Creon but for David it went pretty well. David defied the Adjustment Bureau. The Adjustment Bureau is a Bureau of immortal people that have a plan for everyone’s lives and are supposed to keep them on track so they basically make your entire life. Although many things could happen to take your life off track, but they’re there to make sure your life stays on track. The Adjustment Bureau tells David not to see this girl Ellis, who he has fallen in love with because of the Adjustment Bu reau messing up and not keeping his life on track. Although David is in love with this girl so he would do anything to be with her so he defies the Adjustment Bureau and tries to
Sunday, December 22, 2019
The Movie I Heart Huckabees Essay - 1301 Words
The movie I Heart Huckabees was interesting, to say the least. The movie centered around two detectives, a husband and wife duo, who were existentialists. Existentialism is defined as â€Å"a philosophy that emphasizes individualism, freedom, and choice†(Existentialism - By Branch / Doctrine). In the film, the two detectives, Vivian and Bernard Jaffe, were sought out by a young man named Albert, who was looking for answers. He wanted to know why he kept running into this particular â€Å"African man.†He bumped into the man three times and thought that the coincidences had to have a deeper meaning, which is why he went to the office of Vivian and Bernard Jaffe. These two â€Å"existential detectives†followed Albert around (sometimes discretely, sometimes not so much) to learn his habits and get a better idea of his so-called â€Å"personality.†This brings me to the next point, does personality even exist? In the beginning of the semester, we as a class were posed with the question as to whether or not personality even exists. Personality, as described by the textbook, is â€Å"someone’s usual pattern of behavior, feelings, and thoughts†(Twenge and Campbell, 2017). After reading the textbook, Personality Psychology by Jean M. Twenge and W. Keith Campbell, I believe that personality does, in fact, exist. According to the book, personality psychology aims to analyze â€Å"who we [as individuals] are and how we got to be that way†(Twenge and Campbell, 2017). For example, factors such as extraversionShow MoreRelatedThe Prevalence Of Personality : I Heart Huckabees Essay1460 Words  | 6 PagesThe Prevalence of Personality The movie I Heart Huckabees was interesting, to say the least. The movie centered around two detectives, a husband and wife duo, who were existentialists. Existentialism is defined as â€Å"a philosophy that emphasizes individualism, freedom, and choice†(Existentialism - By Branch / Doctrine). In the film, the two detectives, Vivian and Bernard Jaffe, were sought out by a young man named Albert, who was looking for answers. He wanted to know why he kept running into thisRead MoreAnalysis Of David O. Russells I Heart Huckabees1250 Words  | 5 PagesDavid O. Russell’s I Heart Huckabees is an existential, philosophical comedy about environmentalist Albert Markovski, played by actor Jason Schwartzman, who started the Open Spaces coalition. The movie’s opening monologue shows Albert asking himself a series of questions such as â€Å"What am I doing?†and â€Å"Is it hopeless to try and change things?†Clearly, he is a curious, introspective characte r facing a state of distress and confusion. On top of these questions, Albert has experienced a strange coincidenceRead MorePersonality As A Person s Pattern Of Their Behavior, Feelings And Thoughts1287 Words  | 6 Pagesassessment of your personality aside of how you behave while driving or being at home, can have variability of validity. I feel you could get a person’s true personality when they are in their home. To me, it seems to be where you would see a person’s true behavior because of the comfort they feel. Even though some individuals might change their behaviors accordingly to company, I still feel like there will be validity to the behaviors they possess. Alternatively though, there could be few individuals
Saturday, December 14, 2019
Social Policy Dissertation Free Essays
Overview of Area The New Deal for lone parents has focussed on the notion of making it easier for lone parents to return to work. The underlying aim of the policy has been stated to be making it easier for parents, particularly lone parents, back to work by making the issues relating to childcare easier to overcome. Despite this seemingly strong policy to improve the work prospects of parents, there are concerns that this agenda could have negative repercussions on other welfare areas such as the quality of childcare being provided to young children (DfEE, 1998). We will write a custom essay sample on Social Policy Dissertation or any similar topic only for you Order Now Lone parents in particular present a policy challenge as there is a need to ensure that whilst putting parents in a position that they are able to take up employment this should not be done in such a way that forces parents into work when they would be better employed providing childcare at home. Looking at the wider issues associated with the New Deal policy including the impact on childcare and child development enables a detailed policy analysis to be undertaken and recommendations for the future to be made(Zaslow, et al 2002). Thesis to be Tested The current New Deal agenda focuses too heavily on getting as many parents, particularly lone parents, into work. A failure to grasp the wider issues including the impact on the child of being in childcare from a young age and social factors such as the benefits of entering back into the workplace has resulted in the policy being less effective than the original aims would suggest it could be. Reform is needed to look at the wider issues and to ensure that the New Deal does not focus on short term gains with long term costs (Josh and Verropoulu, 2000). Potential Problems Issues relating to lone parents returning to work are often very individual with the policy being effective for one scenario but not for another. Gaining an overall perspective is therefore potentially difficult as one size does not fit all and several approaches may be necessary to answer the thesis question presented above. Indicative Bibliography (this is merely a starting point and will be added to considerably during the thesis itself) Department for Education and Employment (DfEE) (1998) The National Childcare Strategy. London: HMSO. Dunifon, R., Kalil, A., and Bajracharya, A. (2005), ‘Maternal Working Conditions and Child Well-Being in Welfare-leaving Families’, Developmental Psychology, Vol 41(6), pp.851-59. DWP (2007), In work, better off: next steps to full employment, London: Department for Work and Pensions, The Stationery Office. Josh, H. and Verropoulu, G. (2000) Maternal Employment and Child Outcomes: Analysis of Two Birth Cohort Studies, London: The Smith Institute. Kaestner, R., Korenman, S. D., and O’Neill, J. (2003), ‘Has Welfare Reform Changed Teenage Behaviors?’, Journal of Policy Analysis and Management, vol. 22(2), pp.225-248. Millar, J. and Ridge, T. (2008), ‘Relationships of Care: Working Lone Mothers, their Children and Employment Sustainability’, Journal of Social Policy, vol. 33(1), pp.103-121. Zaslow, M., Moore K., Brooks J., Morris P., Tout K., Redd Z., and Emig C. (2002), ‘Experimental studies of welfare reform and children’, Children and Welfare Reform, vol. 12 (1), pp.79-98. How to cite Social Policy Dissertation, Essays
Friday, December 6, 2019
Research Proposal on Banking free essay sample
Introduction Over thirty-five years have passed since academics began speculating on the impact that information technology (IT) would have on organizational structure. The debate is still on-going, and both researchers and managers continue to explore the relationship between IT and organizational structure. As organizations need to process more information under these uncertain conditions, IT is one possible way for organizations to increase their information processing capability.We are conducting a research in HBL bank that, how bank increase the number of account holders using Internet banking among its Current Account holders. IT has a dramatic effect on both peoples personal and professional lives. IT is also changing the nature of organizations by providing opportunities to make fundamental changes in the way they do business. The technology is changing rapidly, with computing speeds and the numbers of transistor equivalents available in a given area of a microprocessor chip both doubling in very short time. Organizations are acquiring more and more technology systems to assist in everything from manufacturing to the management of information to the provision and improvement of customer service. Harnessing and coordinating this computing power is the challenge. New tools and innovative perspectives with which to examine, interpret, and comprehend these rapidly evolving environments are always needed and sought. Background / Literature View: IT is transforming the way that business is conducted.Computers prepare invoices, issue checks, keep track of the movement of stock, and store personnel and payroll records. Word processing and personal computers are changing the patterns of office work, and the spread of information technology is affecting the efficiency and competitiveness of business, the structure of the work force, and the overall growth of economic output. Many people believe that the primary driving force behind this information revolution is progress in microelectronic technology, particularly in the development of integrated circuits or chips.Thus, the reason that computing power that used to fill a room and cost $1 million now stands on a desk and costs $500 or that pocket calculators that used to cost $1000 now cost $10 is that society happens to have benefited from a series of spectacularly successful inventions in the field of electronics. But fewer people understand why the introduction of information technology occurred when it did or took the path that it did, why data processing came before word processing or why computers transformed the office environment before they transformed the factory environment.Because this technology oriented view of the causes of the information revolution offers little guidance to the direction that technological developments have taken thus far, it offers little insight into the direction that they will take in the future. Electronic banking is one of the first things that come to mind when one thinks about the future of banking. It is generally assumed that electronic banking is new and that it will replace or supplement many channels of delivery of retail banking services. The term electronic banking as used here refers to any banking activity accessed by electronic means.It includes Online Banking, Automated Teller Machines (ATMs), Automated Call Centers, Digital Cash, Internet Ba nking, Screen Telephones, E-Utility Bills and so on. These channels of delivery can be used for presenting and paying bills, buying and selling securities, transferring funds, and providing other financial products and services. Electronic banking can be used for retail banking and business-to-business (B2B) transactions, as well as for facilitating large-amount transfers. Equally important, electronic banking is a worldwide phenomenon.As the term is used here, it involves transactions. Web sites that are transactional are considered electronic banking. Electronic banking and the Internet in general are forcing a shift in the way banks and other businesses organize and the way they think of themselves. A shift is taking place from vertical integration to virtual integration. Banks and other financial intermediaries must realize that they are in the financial information industry. The Internet makes it possible to bring both customers and suppliers together to share critical business information.E-banking helps banks relay and show to their clients how good their services are, how many services we are providing and that the services they offer are of better standards. Through E-banking the company can show the clients that they are better than competitors and can give them satisfaction guaranteed. Statement of the problem The internet and the different things it can do to uplift business procedures, products and services is a current necessity for business. One of internets products is Electronic banking. Electronic banking is a faster way for clients to transact with the banks personnel.Clients can still transact with banks while on the comfort and safety of their homes and Offices. The main purpose of this proposed research is to determine, how we will increase Internet Banking Users among their present Account holders. Theoretical Framework: Increase Internet Banking Users Quality Products (websites) A Bank Manager observed that, if he provides the better Quality Products (Websites) and Low Bank Charges on Internet-Banking to his Account holders. This will increase the number of Customer of Internet Banking.But it will not affect on those Account holders with less qualification and do not use internet. Qualification of account holder and use of internet Low Bank Charges on Internet Banking Research Objectives: This Research intends to find out, If Bank updates its website and gives quality products, easy use and as well as reduce its transaction charges on Internet banking will increase the number of users using Internet Banking among its Account holders. However, according to the literature review, the qualification of account holder is plays an important pa rt in this relationship.Our objective is if we increase quality products and reduce its transaction charges on Internet banking will increase the Internet Banking users. Research Question: * If we increase quality products and reduce its transaction charges on Internet banking will increase the Internet Banking users or not? * Qualification of customer and use of internet is effect on internet banking users or not? Research Design/Methodology: Type of research This research will use the descriptive type of research.Descriptive method of research is to gather information about the present existing condition and solving the problem. The descriptive approach is quick and more practical financially. Moreover, this method will allow for a flexible approach, thus, when important new issues and questions arise during the duration of the study, a further investigation may be allowed. The study opted to use this kind of research considering the goal of the study to obtain first hand data so as to formulate rational and sound conclusions and recommendations for the study. Research StrategyFor this research data will be gathered through collating published stu dies from different books, articles from different related journals and studies, and other literary instruments. Afterwards make a content analysis of the collected documentary and verbal material. The study will then summarize all the necessary information. The study will then make a conclusion based on the said information and provide insightful recommendations on how to solve the said problem. Sample and Sampling Technique The respondents of the research came from the different branches of bank mentioned from Karachi.Due to time constraint and also, for the convenience of the researcher, only hundred (100) respondents were considered for the study. The convenience sampling technique was imposed in the study to pick up the hundred respondents, mainly because the availability of the respondents from the different branches was considered. This part of the study is important because the most important data needed to fulfill the objectives and aims of this study will only be supplied by the respondents from the Branches of HBL bank Karachi. Primary and secondary data collectionThe primary source of data will come from a survey using questionnaire and interviews that will be cond ucted by the researcher. The primary data frequently gives the detailed definitions of terms and statistical units used in the survey. These are usually broken down into finer classifications. The secondary source of data will come from research through the internet; books, journals, related studies and other sources of information. Acquiring secondary data are more convenient to use because they are already condensed and organized.Moreover, analysis and interpretation are done more easily. Validation of the instrument For validation purposes, the researcher pre-tested a sample of the set survey questionnaires. This was done by conducting an initial survey to at least five respondents from the different banks from Karachi. After the respondents answered, the researchers then asked them to cite the parts of the questionnaire that needs improvement. The researcher even asked for suggestions and corrections from the respondents to ensure that the survey-questionnaire is effective.Automatically, these five respondents were not included as respondents for the study. Data analysis Data gathered will be analyzed through frequency distributions. These will give way to reviewing the data categories and the number of referrals in each category. The data acquired will be analyzed according to the different categories and importance. The information that will be gathered and analyzed will be important to achieve the objectives desired by the study.
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