Saturday, August 31, 2019
Lewin’s Leadership Styles
Psychologist Kurt Lewin developed his leadership styles framework in the 1930s, and it provided the foundation of many of the approaches that followed afterwards. He argued that there are three major leadership styles:Autocratic leaders make decisions without consulting their team members, even if their input would be useful. This can be appropriate when you need to make decisions quickly, when there's no need for team input, and when team agreement isn't necessary for a successful outcome. However, this style can be demoralizing, and it can lead to high levels of absenteeism and staff turnover. Democratic leaders make the final decisions, but they include team members in the decision-making process. They encourage creativity, and people are often highly engaged in projects and decisions. As a result, team members tend to have high job satisfaction and high productivity. This is not always an effective style to use, though, when you need to make a quick decision. Laissez-faire leader s give their team members a lot of freedom in how they do their work, and how they set their deadlines.They provide support with resources and advice if needed, but otherwise they don't get involved. This autonomy can lead to high job satisfaction, but it can be damaging if team members don't manage their time well, or if they don't have the knowledge, skills, or self motivation to do their work effectively. (Laissez-faire leadership can also occur when managers don't have control over their work and their people.) Lewin's framework is popular and useful, because it encourages managers to be less autocratic than they might instinctively be.The Blake-Mouton Managerial GridThe Blake-Mouton Managerial Grid was published in 1964, and it highlights the best leadership style to use, based on your concern for your people and your concern for production/tasks.With a people-oriented leadership style, you focus on organizing, supporting, and developing your team members. This participatory st yle encourages good teamwork and creative collaboration.With task-oriented leadership, you focus on getting the job done. You define the work and the roles required, put structures in place, and plan, organize, and monitor work.According to this model, the best leadership style to use is one that has both a high concern for people and a high concern for the task – it argues that you should aim for both, rather than trying to offset one against the other. Clearly, this is an important idea!The Hersey-Blanchard Situational Leadership ® TheoryFirst published in 1969, the Hersey-Blanchard Situational Leadership Theory argues that you need to use different leadership styles depending on the maturity of your team members. The model argues that with relatively immature individuals, you need a more directing approach, while with higher maturity people, you need a more participative or delegating leadership style.You can use this model in most business situations, regardless of whet her you want to build a new team or develop an existing one.Path-Goal TheoryYou may also have to think about what your team members want and need. This is where Path-Goal Theory – published in 1971 – is useful.For example, highly-capable people, who are assigned to a complex task, will need a different leadership approach from people with low ability, who are assigned to an ambiguous task. (The former will want a participative approach, while the latter need to be told what to do.)With Path-Goal Theory, you can identify the best leadership approach to use, based on your people's needs, the task that they're doing, and the environment that they're working in.Six Emotional Leadership StylesDaniel Goleman, Richard Boyatzis, and Annie McKee detailed their Six Emotional Leadership Styles theory in their 2002 book, â€Å"Primal Leadership.†The theory highlights the strengths and weaknesses of six leadership styles that you can use – Visionary, Coaching, Affilia tive, Democratic, Pacesetting, and Commanding. It also shows how each style can affect the emotions of your team members.Flamholtz and Randle's Leadership Style MatrixFirst published in 2007, Flamholtz and Randle's Leadership Style Matrix shows you the best leadership style to use, based on how capable people are of working autonomously, and how creative or â€Å"programmable†the task is.The matrix is divided into four quadrants – each quadrant identifies two possible leadership styles that will be effective for a given situation, ranging from â€Å"autocratic/benevolent autocratic†to â€Å"consensus/laissez-faire.†Transformational LeadershipThese leadership style frameworks are all useful in different situations, however, in business, â€Å"transformational leadership †is often the most effective leadership style to use. (This was first published in 1978, and was then further developed in 1985.)Transformational leaders have integrity and high e motional intelligence . They motivate people with a shared vision of the future, and they communicate well. They're also typically self-aware , authentic , empathetic , and humble .Transformational leaders inspire their team members because they expect the best from everyone, and they hold themselves accountable for their actions. They set clear goals, and they have good conflict-resolution skills . This leads to high productivity and engagement.However, leadership is not a â€Å"one size fits all†thing; often, you must adapt your approach to fit the situation. This is why it's useful to develop a thorough understanding of other leadership frameworks and styles; after all, the more approaches you're familiar with, the more flexible you can be.Specific Leadership StylesAs well as understanding the frameworks that you can use to be a more effective leader, and knowing what it takes to be a transformational leader, it's also useful to learn about more general leadership styl es, and the advantages and disadvantages of each one.Let's take a look at some other leadership styles that are interesting, but don't fit with any of the frameworks above.
Friday, August 30, 2019
Book vs Movie Essay
There are different ways to get a story from different sources in modern times. Books have been good sources for stories, but movies are getting more popular and have the same story with the books. Why people still reading books; and others are prefer watching the movies? Reading books and watching movies have a lot in common, but there are some differences that makes the readers remain faithful to reading books. Reading books and watching movies are similar because they are telling the same story. They give the reader or the audience the same feelings after reading or watching about the story. The reader can feel sad of the story in a book while the audience can also feel the same after watching about the story in the movie. The general ideas, which are themes and main characters of the story, are the same. For example, Romeo and Juliet is romantic no matter it is read from a book or watched from a movie. A book and a movie both have a beginning, rising actions, and a resolution. The story are formed in the same structure regardless to it is a book or a movie. Even though there are similarities; reading books and watching movies give details through different ways. By reading the books, the reader has to open his mind for imaginations. Books only show words, and the images of the story are imagined in the brain. On the other hand, movies give a particular picture of the story to the audiences, and the audiences get details through visual and hearing. The audiences can only get what is shown in the movies but can’t think outside the box for more creative thinking. The readers can have different feedbacks to the story, but the audiences can only agree with the movies; therefore, reading books and watching movies make the readers or audiences response differently. Watching movies can save a lot of time, but reading books could take a long time depending on the speed of reading. For those who can’t read fast, they would prefer watching movies. A movie will take about two hours, but reading a book could take more than two weeks for some readers. People think reading books and watching movies are the same, so they will choose to watch the movie for their time’s sake. Watching the movie can give them a better picture about the story because it is visual and is within a shorter period of time; therefore, the audience can remember the story easier. Besides, movies keep on renewing every week, but a new book needs to be written and published which will take a long time. That’s why people who like new and fresh things will prefer watching movies. Although watching movies seems to be more convenient, but people are still reading books. The reason is that books give more details to the readers and usually reveal more characters that are not shown in the movies. Movie producers need to cut away some details because they need to squeeze everything into one to two hours. Books can attract the reader to continue reading and give some suspense so that the reader will be hooked or tempted to finish the book to find out the truth. Reading books can improve the reader’s writing and reading skills, but watching movies brings nothing else but entertainment. Before movies were invented, most of the people read books to entertain and improve themselves. Since movies came out, people are attracted by the beautiful and colorful graphics in the movies but have forgotten the books which are full of details and meanings. People are too obsessed to the shortcuts and mirth’s from the movies, but maybe they should just grab a book, sit down, and read a good book. In my opinion I rather have the time to sit and enjoy reading a great book full of entertainment. In most cases people would watch the movie which tells the story in a short amount of time which is more convenient for them. Either they’re lazy or careless about reading the whole book ful l of fun and detail. That how I enjoy the full version of the story in which I take my time to enjoy.
Thursday, August 29, 2019
The Role Of The Form Tutor Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
The Role Of The Form Tutor - Essay Example This is because education is seen as a social factor and also as an economic activity that should be embraced by every member in a society. The finest individuals in a society are regarded to be those who are educated. Tutors can also be referred to as teachers who are a major part in every child’s development. This is because the time that they spend with the students matters a great deal in terms of their behaviours, morals and understanding. The above study will show the common roles of the tutor and how these roles have been changing over time. This will involve the use of different theories used in educational research. The study will also show the understanding that the pupils have in terms of the roles and responsibilities of the form tutor. Tutors are of different types for example private tutors comprise of those who are for academic development and coaching. There are also those who conduct tutoring online or at home. A private tutor mostly helps in academic activities for example if a student does not understand a particular subject then they can approach their partners for more explanation. Online tut oring is where the students share their views with a tutor who is always ready to help. To access this tutor a student has to register for easier communication. Some of these techniques used include chat, web conferencing and teleconferencing. The main role of tutors is to instill personal, social and health education (PSHE) and this training takes place outside the school setting. It is important to encourage students to develop physically through exercising and eating the best diet. Socially the tutors engage students into groups so that they may share their experiences at home or in the school compound. This makes the students feel at home and it also avoids other kinds of discrimination for instance racial, demoralization for instance in cases where pupils are mistreated at their homes they rebuild through
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Kathrin & Becky Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Kathrin & Becky - Research Paper Example In simple terms, they were the custodians of the man’s ‘creation’ and hence the name ‘house wives’ was coined. However, it reached a point where the women in our society could take it no more. The oppressions and inferiority complex had gone overboard and they united and decided to demand for their rights. This marked a new dawn – a dawn where the inferior lot was informed of their rights. The demand for a just and fair world has been imminent with attention drawn from street debates to national discussions. They all have a similar ending; the world is never fair to the oppressed and minority groups and that the law is made for these people. Surprisingly, the legislators who push for these laws find themselves in situations and positions where they are breaking them. Feminists rely entirely on the law for existence. They believe that the law is meant to protect them. However, this is not the case. Governments have been in the limelight for failing to protect these groups of people. Women are an interesting lot. They love associating themselves with an icon with whom they follow her lifestyle and when Marilyn Monroe, a feminine figure killed herself out of an overdose in 1963, there was an outrage from the feminine society. There was no turning back and an exaggerated femininity was being held up and revered as an ideal for all women. Racism and sexual harassment were thriving and black women were mostly the victims where they were referred to as ‘chocolate bunnies’. However, in a quick rejoinder, Gloria Steinem, a freelance Journalist who was working on an undercover mission highlighted the plight of black women who were on the brink of segregation from the rest. She described that all women were treated as bunnies. This attracted the attention of all women who responded to the urgency to rescue the black woman from the racial stereotype. A look back at history reveals that women have achieved huge milestones that are
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
Caveat Emptor Is this common Law Maxim undermined Essay
Caveat Emptor Is this common Law Maxim undermined - Essay Example This act is in addition to the existing law and accordingly a consumer usually has a remedy either in contract or in the tort of negligence (Slack 1997). The term Caveat emptor connotes that let the buyer beware. It is a common law sales contract concept that exposes the buyer to the risk inherent in a transaction. Though it involves the principle of freedom to contract, nevertheless implied warranties in the context of sale of goods are latent in it (Rossini 1998) The Sale of Goods Act 1893 was amended by several pieces of legislation, some of these are the Sale and Supply of Goods Act 1994, the Misrepresentation Act 1967, the Unfair Contract Terms Act 1977 and the Consumer Protection Act 1987 (Jones and Benson 2003). This act was the first piece of legislation that provided protection to the buyer. Recently there had been a spate of legislations, whose purpose was to enhance the protection that had been made available to consumers. Some instances of such acts are the Misrepresentation Act 1967, the amended Sale of Goods Act (Sale and Supply of Goods Act 1994 and the Sale of Goods (Amendment) Act 1994) and the Unfair Terms Regulations (S.I 1994/3159. Unfair Terms Regulations in Consumer Contract Regulations 1994). In this manner the caveat emptor doctrine has been progressively undermined and substituted by the doctrine of caveat venditor or let the seller beware. The noted legal luminary Atiyah opined that the basic principle of law was one of caveat venditor rather than one of caveat emptor (Atiyah and Adams 1995). In addition, the European Union as a champion of the rights of the consumer has planned to introduce legislation that would serve to bestow further protection on the rights of consumers. The Directive on the Sale of Consumer Goods and Associated Guarantees is an important step in this direction (EUROPA 2006). There has been a marked reluctance on the part of judicial policy to interfere with contracts between parties having equal bargaining power. The Unfair Contract Terms Act attempts to extinguish the exclusion and limitation clauses that occur in consumer contracts and contracts that are based on one of the contracting parities' standard terms (Unfair Contract Terms Act (as amended on the 1st of October, 2003) 1977). The above act is inapplicable to commercial contracts in general. In Photo Productions Limited v Securicor the House of Lords permitted Securicor to avoid liability for the acts of one of its employees (Photo Production Ltd v Securicor Transport Ltd 1980). In the case of Slater and others v Finning Ltd, the House of Lords held that if a product failed for the reason that it had been used for a purpose other than that it had been designed for then the seller was absolved of any liability for such failure (Slater v Finning Ltd 1996). This was similar to the decision in Griffths v Peter Conway Ltd, in which the buyer had concealed from the seller as to what use was to be made of the goods (Griffths v Peter Conway Ltd 1939). This indicates very clearly that there has been a preference for caveat venditor in the context of the implied condition of suitability in commercial law. The legal consequences of the rule of caveat emptor require the buyers to undertake
Monday, August 26, 2019
What has happened in a CHOSEN EUROPEAN ECONOMY over the last two years Assignment
What has happened in a CHOSEN EUROPEAN ECONOMY over the last two years - Assignment Example Firstly, by taming expectations, actual inflation can be controlled; and secondly, this will also lead to stability in employment and output. Similarly, purpose of the fiscal policy (whereby the government alters public expenditure and taxation policies) is to boost aggregate demand of the country, which in turn is expected to improve growth rate of the economy (Lawton, 2013). In the wake of the global financial crisis, Germany, like most other developed countries, is following the policy of fiscal tightening. Germany is a member of the programs undertaken by Euro Plus Act and main commitment of this program was to reduce debt of the government. High debts of the government are not supportive for the long run as this increases the risk of default. Polices of the government are being heavily guided by withdrawal of stimulus and measures of consolidation coupled with reduction of social security benefits. Fiscal consolidation measures followed by German government have been effective in bringing down both the structural and actual deficit of the country. The deficit of the government was brought down below the reference figure of 3%. The general finances of government had also shown a surplus in 2012 for the first time, after the crisis. This makes it clear that the country has been successful in achieving the medium-term budgetary goal and structural deficit is within 0.5% of GDP. Bringing down structural deficit is also important for controlling long-term stability of a country; and in case of Germany, it has been observed that in 2012, the structural net borrowing was only 0.31% of GDP, which was well within control of the government. Even in 2013, structural deficit was below the stipulated value of 0.35% (Deutsche Bank, 20 13). On expenditure side of the fiscal policy, main focus of the government in the last two years has been to increase investment in research and developmental programs and education. The rationale behind doing
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Revenue Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Revenue Management - Essay Example Ans: For different industries to flourish in terms of profitability it is necessary for them to allocate their resources properly. The airlines and restaurant industry tend to keep a check over the prices and capacity offered by them. However there is a difference between how both these industries manage their price allocation and the management of capacity. In terms of airlines customers have to pay for the number of seats that they take. In other words they pay for the capacity they take. For e.g. if a customer has booked 2 seats he will pay for both the seats. This is also the case with the hotels as the customers pay for the number of rooms that they book i.e. the capacity they take. However in terms of the restaurant industry capacity is not charged for. Although in different circumstances the customer are forced to pay for the capacity. This is very unusual in the restaurant industry. But for a restaurant to increase its profitability it is necessary that they maintain a regula r booking schedule. This schedule should be properly maintained and should help the customers in booking the seats in a restaurant. This can prove to be very beneficial for the customers and the restaurant as customers would be satisfied with the service they are getting by the restaurant. And on the other hand this booking schedule would help the restaurant to improve its image in front of the customers. But it can also be said that the capacity management is interlinked in these three industries. Each of the industry is conscious about providing customers with maximum satisfaction regarding the issue of capacity. All these industries maintain a booking schedule for this purpose. The customers in these industries require seats according to their own convenience. For e.g. customers require seats in a particular plane on a particular time and same is the case with the customers who visit a restaurant as they book seats according to their own convenience. On the other hand it is also necessary for these industries to keep a control over their management of prices. It can be said that the industry of airlines and restaurant have similarities regarding the management of prices. This is because both the industries aim to maximize their profits and therefore manage their prices accordingly. The seats offered by the airlines are charged according to the level of comfort in them. Many different airlines have varying prices for their seats due to the difference in the comfort level. Prices also differ because of the service timings that the airlines provide. For e.g. some airlines charge higher as their service time is lesser than those of other airlines. Similarly the restaurants charge for the quality of the food they offer. They maintain a balance of price for different commodities they offer. For e.g. the price of some specialties offered by the restaurants are charged higher than the other commodities. At the same time the price differ s in different restaurants also because of the services that they provide. Thus it can be concluded that for both these industries to prosper it is necessary that they keep a strong command over the management of capacity and prices.Question 2: In what way does menu engineering equate to
McCain's Bid for Re-Election and His Stance on Immigration Term Paper
McCain's Bid for Re-Election and His Stance on Immigration - Term Paper Example McCain has changed many of his controversial opinions and policies in order to get more public acceptance. The critics blame McCain for such fluctuating policies. His the opponent in the Republican Party for the Presidential nomination, Hayworth accused McCain of teaming with Democrats on issues. He blamed McCain for working with â€Å"Sen. Russ Feingold of Wisconsin on campaign finance reform and with the late Sen. Ted Kennedy of Massachusetts on an immigration bill that would have created a pathway to citizenship for illegal immigrants†(U.S. Senate Facing Toughest Re-Election Bid, McCain Moves Right on Several Issues). Hayworth and his supporters are particularly troubled by McCain's immigration bill, which they call "amnesty" for illegal immigrants. McCain has since backed off his calls for comprehensive immigration reform, saying the government should focus first on securing the border before figuring out how to handle the millions of illegal immigrants already in the country. He says he opposes amnesty (U.S. Senate Facing Toughest Re-Election Bid, McCain Moves Right on Several Issues). McCain’s major opponent Hayworth and his allies criticize McCain mainly because of his controversial immigration policies. McCain believes that America needs the services of the immigrants for its development and it is necessary to give citizenship to the immigrants. In his opinion, America is facing stiff manpower shortage at present in the employment sector and that is why most of the organizations are outsourcing their jobs to cheap labor markets such as India and China. Obama is trying hard to avoid outsourcing of jobs from America in order to put an end to the uncontrolled capital outflow from America.Â
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Characteristics of science journalism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Characteristics of science journalism - Essay Example For example, the goal of one east coast company is to capture the market for human infant formula by trying to produce transgenic cattle whose milk contains an important protein found in human breast milk. While pharmaceutical companies are exploring transgenic technology for commercial purposes, animal science researchers at U.C., Davis, are focused on developing the technology to advance the dairy industry. Specifically, we are investigating whether foreign genes inserted into dairy cattle can change the manufacturing or nutritional properties of milk. We have succeeded in demonstration with transgenic mice that foreign genes can be expressed by the mammary gland to modify milk components. However, we have met the same obstacles as industrial scientists in trying to produce similar results in transgenic cattle. It appears that what we need is a significant breakthrough to improve the efficiency and reduce the cost of aiming transgenic cattle. Cloning by nuclear transfer is another method of genetic engineering still in experimental stages. Despite all the media reports, the purpose behind experiments leading to the creation of "Dolly", the sheep made famous through cloning, was not to make multiple copies of a single animal. Rather, researchers were interested in finding cell types that could be used to generate a normal animal after transfer of a cell's nucleus into a recently ovulated egg, a process known as nuclear transfer. The ultimate goal of this cloning research is to produce animals from cells that have been genetically modified in the laboratory, or in other words, to produce transgenic animals from transgenic cells. The advantage of this approach is that cultured... Science journalism tends to be mostly practiced by the people who majored in humanities rather than in science. We can also concede that when science writing is done by people with actual science background, it offer it because the writers would really prefer to be doing science rather than journalism. People want things to be in simple and plain English. But this demand is unrealistic because science writing is dumbed down as much as it can. the one major fact behind this is that language is built upon the hierarchy of concepts, scientific or technical concepts correspond to specialized technical terms, terms of art, and the like(the jargon).Human attitudes are turned with the use of language in the articles. The more simple and correct is the language the more are the readers attracted. When we look at the metaphor in science we can say that it is very interesting to read of the increasing interest that is being generated around metaphors in science. It actually impossible in terms of formulating any easy understanding of the natural world without metaphors in some way or another. in the biological world, metaphors have a further complication in that they frequently become teleologies as well. a teleology is nothing but an explanation that accords purpose to some attribute. So, the eye is designed to be some sort of video camera; the immune system is designed to defend the body against foreign organisms; hair is designed to insulate the body; feathers are designed to help a bird fly.
Friday, August 23, 2019
Nursing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 3
Nursing - Essay Example It is necessary that every member of an organization must be involved in dealing with the problem of absenteeism. Nyathi and , Jooste ( 2008) point out that, if absenteeism among nursing staff occurs, this puts a greater workload on the staff who do turn up, and so this leads to a downward spiral of stress on staff, and eventually even more absenteeism. The authors mention factors such as†work attitudes (job satisfaction, organizational commitment and work/job involvement) and retention factors,†but admit that in many cases reasons behind absenteeism are poorly understood. Managers, especially those who see staff every day such as ward managers, should know their staff so well that they are aware when any members of staff feel themselves to be under stress at work, as this which is identified as being a major factor in absenteeism. . Communication is important. Staff need to hear and understand the organization’s plans, goals, and objectives in order that they can uphold and protect them. The executive team is charged with the mandate of ensuring that when a new employee is hired, they are taken through the organization’s corporate vision. This will ensure that that person understands what the institution is like and its ethos. If everyone is told and understands fully what is expected of him or her, it is easier in the course of business to remind them of what is expected of them, whether with regard to being available when required, or with regard to some other matter. Slater and William (1996) describe how letting staff have a greater larger degree of control of rotas led to better communications between management and staff. It was also discovered that many nurses had not realized the impact their negative behavior was having both on the organization and their colleagues. It was also felt that if mention was made of absenteeism staff might feel that they
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Swot analysis Essay Example for Free
Swot analysis Essay SWOT Analysis Strength 1. Strong Financial position of P G 2. Brand Loyalty 3. High Quality Products 4. Well known brand 5. Availability of Products in Different Sizes 6. Large Network for Distribution 7. Consumer Trust Weakness 1.Strong competition with clinic all clear 2.Lagging behind Clinic all clear in terms of creative campaign 3. Less popularity in rural areas compare to urban areas in India 4.Higher price than other brands makes it less popular with lower income classes Opportunity 1. Have a Great Opportunity in New developing areas of India. 2. Consumer behavior towards brand loyalty 3. High Rates of Imported Shampoos 4. Increase in the Shampoo consumption due to awareness 5. Heavy investment in the research of Shampoo Threats 1. High Competition in Indian Market 2. Threats from new entrants 3. Threats from plenty other options available to consumers 1. Strong Financial position of P G 2. Brand Loyalty 3. High Quality Products 4. Well known brand 5. Availability of Products in Different Sizes 6. Large Network for Distribution 7. Consumer Trust 1. CLEAR has partnered with the world’s leading dermatologists from the International Academy of Dermatology (IACD) to bring the first ever patented scalp nutrient technology –New CLEAR with Nutrium 10 to its consumers 2. Available in 5 different variants for different types of hair needs 3. Clear brand available in over 14 countries worldwide 4. Clear is the only brand that offers specially formulated Anti dandruff shampoo for men 5. Celebrity brand ambassadors and good advertising Weakness 1. Dominance only in the anti-dandruff shampoo segment, no variants available for normal shampoo usage 2. Multiple re-brandings over the years – Clinic Special to Clinic All Clear to ‘Clear’ at present. Can create confusion about the brand name among consumers. 3. Low market share even in the anti-dandruff shampoo segment as compared to competitors like Head Shoulders Opportunity 1. To align itself to the international quality standards this year Clinic All Clear has been re-launched this year as Clear 2.Introduction of Anti Dandruff Hair Oil that fights dandruff and strengthens hair from scalp, as a brand extension Threats 1.Highly competitive market having many players with similar offerings and cheaper rates 2. PG wrote to the Advertising Standards Council of India, which sought a response from HUL regarding an advertisement of Clear starring Bipasha Basu which had a muted reference to Head Shoulders in the advertisement
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Fairy Tales And Culture Industry Media Essay
Fairy Tales And Culture Industry Media Essay The western fairy tales have basically undergone three major stages of transitions: the oral form; the literary form and finally the digital form. Originally, fairy tales in the western civilization are oral folk tale of magic which serve to express lower classes wishes to satisfy their needs and wants. (Jack, ) Toward the end of 17th century, printing press adapted oral tales into a new literary genre. The rationalization of fairy tales, due to intervention of gatekeepers in blocking fantasy fairy tales while publishing those stresses christian morality, has hindered creativity. At the same time, increased production of new tales for amusement illustrates Adornos culture industry which mars cultural heritage and imagination for increased production and profits. Then came to the era of digital form, one of the most successful genres of fairy tales, during World War II and Great Depression. Widespread misery brought in the idea of producing fairy-tale films to make money from peoples longing for happiness.(Jack, ) Standards were based in the first place on consumers needs, and for that reason were accepted with so little resistance. The result is the circle of manipulation and retroactive need in which the unity of the system grows even stronger. (Adorno Horkheimer, 1976) Fairy tales have been commodified and influenced by proliferation of adaptations for films. Today, fairy tales become a form of entertainment, embracing the concept of marketing and advertising. The change is in line with two main roles of culture industry: to create profits and to stimulate economic changes. Case study: Walt Disney Company The fairy-tale film industry Walt Disney, the ever successful model of fairy-tale film industry, is said to keep fairy tales alive through films and theme parks. Bringing us back to the standard structure of western fairy tales as shown in the classic stories like The Cinderella and The Sleeping Beauty: the white princess who soon gets into trouble and rescued by Prince Charming, followed by an inheritant end of the story: and they lived happily ever after, we realize that the idea of pseudo-individualization in Disneys early films may be true. This maybe strategy to reduce quality uncertainty as well as risk of trying to be innovative and to assure profitability by providing consumers something they familiar to or previously successful storylines. However, realizing the fact that consumers are no longer as passive and uncritical as what Adorno critiqued, Disney fast to adapt to the ever-demanding consumers by moving in suprising and interesting ways instead of imitating or reproducing what had been done before. Modernisation has contributed to a switch-over in power to the consumers. Disney gives birth to its first black princess, Tiana, in its recent animated fairy-tale film The Princess and the Frog inspired by old tale The Frog Prince. Everyone knows the story in which a princess finds true love by kissing a frog that magically turns into her handsome prince. Tiana still kisses a frog but the result is quite different. Besides trying to surprise its audiences with a fresh twist in the mix of humour, thrills and melody, Disney also moved away from its usual macho genre by protraying a strong and independent girl who is so determined in pursuing her dreams instead of waiting to be rescued as other princesses. By using familiar characters and title, Disney tends to appear to the public with a simple, immediate and easily recognizable identity which helps to reduce the uncertainty and to attract consumers while manifesting the differences from the original story based on their similarities. Since film is considered an experiential commodity that quality isnt accessible prior consumption, successful branding becomes essential as it is emotionally rewarding to consumers and financially rewarding for the business. What Disney differentiates itself from other competitors is making people happy. In order to compete more effectively, besides using advanced technology to stand out among competitors, Disney also relies on advertising to lure consumers to watch its movie which again reflects self-renewal nature of culture industry of creating artificial needs through advertising and satisfying those needs through consumers consumption. Cult of stars and famous creators are also used to convince the consumers of the films quality by their celebrity status in the field. Windowing is not new to Disney. Disney has expanded its line from VCDs, DVDs to Blu-ray in recent years as part of efforts in extending the life-cycle of its films by moving to smaller theaters. Due to the rising cost of production and high risk of failure, Disney has a wide repertoire of cultural goods under it as part of risk management. As one of the worlds largest conglomerates, Disney dominates in various media business encompassing movies, music, publising, TV and theme parks. As Negus (1999) stated, Culture produces an industry. Corporate culture impacts the workers and the cultural products they produce thus affect the economic profits. As one of the worlds best company to work in, Disney has always been promoting a vibrant culture that allows risk taking and innovation. It also promotes positive and inclusive ideas about families, passion and dedication among its employees. As in other service business, the quality of service can make or break Disney. In order to keep up with consumers ever-more-demanding expectations, quality and service are built into all the training programs taught by Disney University. Benchmarks are set to measure employees quality or service. This illustrates the manipulation of emotional labour as workers are increasingly being expected to display certain emotions but to suppress others in order to provide quality services. Although workers are not passive and may react or fight back, in most cases, they tend to comply to the corporate norms as job market is very competitive. New Trends in Disney Fairy-tale Film Industry: Threats Opportunities Digital Piracy- As in other industry, piracy is not a new issue facing Disney. But the advent of file sharing system and availability of free films on the Internet further undermine the industry. Copyright protection becomes tougher as users can always develop new methods to bypass. With the advent of downloading technology, consumers are able to access to free movies just within hours after their release in theaters. Since then, consumers dont perceive a need to pay more for cinema tickets for just once and even more expensive homevideos. In addition, fairy-tale films lack of the special effects that underlying the difference between the enjoyment of the movie at the cinema or at the home is of the factors as well. Therefore, Disneys emphasizing on 3D fairy-tale films production may be part of strategies to revive the cinema as the priviledged place for film experience and high quality entertainment. Competition TV 130 With new features such as streaming Internet movies and 3D capabilities added to the digital TVs, Disney is fighting a sadder trend. Sony, Panasonic and Samsung have continually come out with new digital TVs with Internet hook-ups that can grab Flickr photos and directly link to sources such as Netflix and YouTube videos and news stories through a broadband connection. In addition, Dell and HP also sell computers with HDMI outputs that can be hooked up directly to a TV. This is especially convenient for those working people who are too busy to catch movies in cinema. It is predicted that more valued-priced TVs with Internet connection will be born in the future. Watching films online with big-screen TV will also become a mainstream and big wave in the industry. Digitalization Digitalization becomes a landmark development in Disneys evolution of home entertainment. Recognizing the pervasiveness of digital consumption especially among young audiences, Disney comes to embrace digitalization to expand its market and gain access to new revenue resources while meeting consumers demands. Recently, Walt Disney Corporation released KeyChest, a new technology that enables films distribution using computers and cell phone rather than DVDs and TVs. To compete more effectively, Disney provides value and above that provided by free films such as easy storage, higher quality, virus and legal threat protection, and acccess in multiple form and locations. KeyChest is also intended to be a multie-corporate venture as consumers wont have much of a variety to choose from if only Disney is involved. Digitalization which is more cost effective than physical one expose Disney to a larger audience. Digital medium like the Internet can serve as a new platform for its established practice of windowing . In addition, being able to grasp the opportunity of digital distribution, it is believed that Disney can better control and fight against digital piracy since it ultimately has control over consumption of the content. Nevertheless, the digitalization movement may seem to widen digital divide as some people have very limited or no access to digital and information technology at all. The high performance at box office of Disneys films indicates that consumers are still willing to pay more for good movies. While computer screen maynot where consumers want to access their films, the industry also need to cater to those consumers who like to own a physical product. By applying value-based pricing policy, consumers can watch the films in the price that matches their values, thus expanding Disneys market and increasing economic profits. It is predicted that the digital distribution of films will expand significantly and transform Disneys film from a product to a service in the recent future. Taking lessons from the music industry, the digitalisation is a great opportunity to sustain well in global market. Tie-ins and Spin-off: Selling of disneys products Disneys brand is recognized through the characters marketed in their films and mechandise. Merchandising comes with a long history, but the packages grow larger and even larger today. Fairy-tale films, especially those gain popularity, have always been the center-piece of a package with all other accessories like book, food, toys and clothes. Disney increases its productions shelf life and extracts money by generating peoples interest and enjoyment on it and though the succession of new audience-generations. Merchandising which starts even before the release of the film, is able to enhance the value of a movie that performs badly at the box office. By creating cute and appealing characters targeted mainly at children, Disney seeks to entice children who are more vulnerable to such appeals by satisfying artificial needs it creates. Since consumers tend to attribute their own value to the goods, resulting in almost worship of cultural goods. The fanatical consumption of the latest release of The Princess and the Frog wide array of merchandises is a testament to this. In addition, some tactics such as strategic positioning of outlets are used to increase consumers inclination to consume even though they never intend to do so. This brings us to realize what Bryaman (2004) called Disneyization, a process of creating variety and differences and removing of basic needs to entice consumers into consumption beyond necessity. As mentioned, consumers are not passive but most of the time, we are still unconsicously falling into the trap of consumerism. Nowadays, Disneys tie-ins to fast food restaurants seems to be a norm and results in what we call hybrid consumption. By giving consumers the merchandises they want either for free or at a lower price through fast food consumption, the fast food industry increases its patronage whereas Disney gains constant publicity for its existing or forthcoming films and makes profits from the process while keeping Disney in peoples mind. According to Disneys vice-president of marketing at Buena Vista UK, These movies are very expensive to make and release and these tie-ins get us exposure we couldnt afford to buy. Globalization disneyfication Over the years, Disney has been expanding its business in a coordinated manner to almost every corner of the planet. Robertson argued that the production and promotion of goods and services on a global scale requires close, ongoing sensitivity to cultural differences in local circumstances. Its roaring success can be attributed to its transformation into a truly global enterprise and transculturation by taking account into cultural differences while maintaining cultural authenticity American culture. In order to ensure its films dont look so different as to allienate the nonwestern audiences, Disney always seeks to modify its products to fit consumers tastes in each market around the world. Therefore, local managers are rendered more power and accountability to increase the globalization of Disneys products by ensuring the products are locally relevant to the consumers, leading to more strategic distribution and marketing planning. The company also transforms the mode of presentation to which the non-western audiences can respond such as different language subtitles in the films. In China, for exa mple, products are localized to appeal to Chinese consumers. As globalization is no longer one way homogenous cultural flow from the West to the East but multiple processes that spreads heterogenous global culture through enrichment by variety and diversity of local cultures, Disney starts to absorb and extend its narrative repertoire to include more or less distinct cultures and non-western characters in films such as Aladdin (Middle East), The Lion King (Africa) and Mulan (china). From the production perspective, the extension may be seen as marketing gimmick aimed at capturing more diverse audiences and thus expands its service coverage into international markets when it acquires more markets in these cultures. Besides catering to the needs of global audiences, Disney also creates a sense of cultural autheticity in globalizing its local cultural products. In The Princess and the Frog, there is dialectical tension between particularism and universalism. In order to capture cultural autheticity of New Orleans, one the oldest cities in America, distinctly American sound such as Jazz and gospel is used in the film. By universalising the culture to the other side of the world, Disney came out with a natural love story blended with advernturous storytelling, offbeat comedy, captivating characters built on universal longing for happiness. The fateful kiss between Tiana and the frog from different world and social status brings them on a hilarious adventure through the mystical bayous. The intricate love story and characters flaws give consumers a sense of realistic. Disney also took advantage of feminism and wove it in the film to attract audiences, especially females, by protraying a strong and i ndependent girl who has motivating desire in pursuing her dreams. As in reality, it is no longer a love at first sight but a couple who really dont like each other at first sight fall for each other after spending time together. Tiana doesnt know how to appreciate live whereas Prince Naveen is spoiled and irresponsible. A prince that really influences a heroin, he teaches Tiana how to appreciate her life. Their flaws reflects the reality which consumers can identify. Showing family love. who then facing problems of expressing love openly. The most striking fea ture is the female protagonist, Tiana. took advantage of a feminist touch to attract Asian audiences, esp women. Focuses on a tough women and wove the feminism into the film. true love can really thriump, to strive for an ending where everyone lives happile ever after. Tiana has her own motivating desire, motivations and decisions that drive her and make her interested and sympathetic. In fact, the film impressed the global audiences not really because of its uniqueness and exotics, but it pertains to their lives and cultures. Tiana is appealing as the female consumers can identify themselves with her and even want to cheer her on. The producer maintains a global-local perspective, exploiting the particularity of local culture on the one hand and universalizing it for the world on the other. By fusing the fairy tale, advernture, music and comedy together, the film is reproduced and presented in a new style to the global audiences. The fairy tale genre, the use of English language, the setting of New Orleans, the American music and so on served to bring forth a strong sense of cultural authenticity. In a nutshell, besides the ability to adapt to transculturation, the budding success of technology investment, the growing conglomeration to mobilize resources and pursue opportunities more effectively, and the elevated status of English as a global language all together provide a favourable environment for the globalization of Disneys fairy-tale films. Conclusion Disney continues to sustain our dreams despite the cruelty of reality. It is Disneys ability to make people happy captivates a large audiences over the globe, thus it would be better with innovation without changing the happy ending that audiences emotionally attached to. Through various strategic management and its fast adaptation to threats and firm grasp of opportunities, Disney is coping well in going globalization. In fact, Disneys fairy-tale films do leave more or less some impacts on its audiences. Some love Disney as it make them feel like kids again, while some may think Disney brainwashes the audiences by adding subliminal messages in its films and gives girls delusion that Prince Charming is going to knock on their door one day.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
The Six Pillars Of Public Administrations Politics Essay
The Six Pillars Of Public Administrations Politics Essay The dichotomy of politics and administration is a model representing the idea that a division is required between the political realm and the field of public administration. As explained by Waldo (1984), there are two early public administration scholars that are credited with the dichotomy: Woodrow Wilson and Frank Goodnow. Although Wilson and Goodnows work was not identical, they both advocated for a strict explanation of the dichotomy. Wilson and Goodnows ideologies regarding the relationship between politics and public administration have served as fundamentally important for developing this essay. This brief discussion about the dichotomy of politics and public administration will include why scholars like Wilson and Goodnow believed it was necessary to separate politics and administration and treat them as two separate fields of study. Wilsons theory evolved during a time when politics was associated with corrupt behavior. Many citizens wanted a more professionally based bureaucracy that would be held to higher levels of accountability versus being controlled by politics. These ideas were clearly communicated in Madisons Federalist No. 10. Madison (1787) described the relationship between politics and administration by explaining that a factious spirit had tainted Americas public administration. Wilson reinforced the ideas of the founding fathers in The Study of Administration. Wilson (1886) expanded on Madisons ideas explaining that the bureaucracy needed to be more businesslike with civil servants providing services that were nonpartisan. In The Study of Administration, Wilson (1886) states that, Administrative questions are not political questions. Although politics sets the tasks for administration, it should not be suffered to manipulate its offices (210). With the latter quote being stated by Wilson, public administration should be considered a science irrelevant from any type of political coercion when it comes to things like decision making, policy, and public service. Bureaucracies all share a common goal and this is to provide services that benefit the overall public good; however, it is nearly impossible to completely separate politics from administration. For example, policies are often designed and implemented due to public sentiment. The number goal of a politician is to get re-elected; therefore, elected officials cannot ignore public opinion. Policies are written and passed by elected officials and then implemented by public agencies. Programs created by policies often die at the implementation phase because bureaucrats hold the power with providing optimal levels of implementation. One of the reasons programs are not properly implemented can be attributed to the fact that many bureaucrats may deliberately administer poor im plementation due to a program being contradictive to their political beliefs. Goodnow (1900) took a realistic approach to the dichotomy explaining that politics and administration needed to be two separate functions but, simultaneously, politics would never be completely separate from administration. Goodnows beliefs are demonstrated in the policy and implementation synopsis provided in the previous paragraph. Americas bureaucracies today are not as corrupt as they were during the time Madison vocalized his views in the Federalist Papers. Thanks to extensive empirical research and social science theories, the field of public administration is based on efficiency, accountability to the public, and effectiveness. It would be unreasonable to assume that political coercion does not still plague public administrators on occasion because politics will also play a role in public administration. Responsible public administrator When researching the topic of Responsibility in the realm of Public Administration, one encounters a very extensive literature base regarding the importance and reasons for responsible civil servants. Exploring the topic of responsibility and its significance in the field of public service reveals a strong connection between all of the pillars of public administration. Public administrators are held accountable by the public and they cannot act on their own accord because they are held responsible to the officials who have been elected by the public. Elected officials determine the course of action of public servants and this fact is highly relevant to the dichotomy of politics and public administration (Finer, 1941, p. 335). In order for public servants to be responsible, they must adhere to certain values and principles which make them efficient, legitimate, and representative of social equity. Svara(2007) has stated the highest duty of public administrators is to embrace a broad s et of obligations and responsibilities that promote the public interest, demonstrate character, advance justice, and seek the greatest good. Gaus (1953) explained the relationship that is created for the responsible public servant between the other pillars by stating that, The contribution of the United States to the idea of responsibility in administration was made by requiring the chief executive-and later many minor executives-to submit directly or indirectly to popular vote (432). The general public elects officials to represent them and protect them to a certain extent. As explained in the dichotomy, there are two sides to public administration. In regards to responsibility, legislators and politicians have the responsibility of designing policies to address social issues in an attempt of solving issues. The administrative side of the responsibility has to do with implementation of the policies designed by elected officials. The relationship between chief executives and other elected officials and the bureaucracy is clearly demonstrated in the nature of punitive policies. For example, legislators designed policies that place restrictions on speed limits. In order to keep roads and highways safe, reckless driving behaviors must be curtailed and this is done through punitive policies. Drivers that violate the speed limit know they are at risk to be cited and subject to fines and jail time; therefore, it may be tempting to speed but policies are enforced by public administrators to deter this behavior. In this case scenario, street-level bureaucrats are the primary civil servants that are responsible for the implementation of punitive policies. This is a perfect example to illustrate how the decisions made by elected officials, impact the daily work operations of public service. Administrators are responsible for carrying out proper implementation of polices. Finer (1941) made it clear that there is a distinction between policy design and policy execution. This is where public administrators have the most power in their responsibilities. They are the ones responsible for policy execution and it is clearly stated in the literature that implementation is the most importance stage of the policy process. A policy is only as strong as its implementation and many die at this level because of irresponsible public administrators. Ethical issues can arise in this area because administrators may neglect to implement a policy or a program created by an elected official because they do not agree with it or have a hidden agenda. In regards to the link between public administration and the pillars, administration is not less important to democratic government than administrative efficiency; it is even a contributor to efficiency in the long run (Finer, 1941, p. 335). When a public administrator acts responsibly, they have a higher chance of exhibiting ethical behavior and ultimately producing efficiency. Legitimacy Legitimacy of the administrative state is contingent upon several factors. In the event that administrative agencies provide ample, equitable opportunities for public involvement, legitimacy is being carried out. There must also be opportunities for empirical research and decision making in order to accomplish legitimacy in the state. All of the pillars are intertwined with legitimacy. In order for a state to be considered legitimate, their power has to be accepted by the general public; therefore, in order to achieve this broad scope of power a state must be efficient, ethical, serve the public good, be representative, accountable to the public, effective, and responsible to elected officials. According to Dr. Beaumaster, the person who has the authority and power is legitimate (2010). Legitimacy Power is derived from authority; authority is derived from legitimacy; legitimacy is a moral or normative standing. So whenever that person makes an unethical decision, this will reflect in his power and he may lose it. Public organizations can often be affected by their internal and external environments, especially new organizations. It is not uncommon for a new organization to become vulnerable when resources are lost or they have not successfully obtained strong support from their environment (Rainey, 2003, p. 359). Consumer preferences and public sentiment always affect business and this is applicable in both the public and private sectors; however, public agencies face bigger issues with legitimacy because they are held highly accountable to the public. For example, the issue of raising taxes is always a contentious decision for elected officials because the public can show adamant opposition to paying higher taxes. Rainey (2003) explains that when voters resist taxes, governments face analogous problems (359). Public and oversight authorities often impose stricter criteria on public organizations for honest, legitimate behaviors (Rainey, 2003, p. 359). Expanding on the last quote, an example of illegitimate behavior in a bureaucracy would be an elected official using coercive power on a public servant in order to get something accomplished. Abuse of power is an age-old problem in bureaucracies. In the event an individual were granted a prestigious position in government based solely on being from a prominent family, their appointment to the position would constitute as illegitimate. There were accusations of coercive power and bureaucratic appointments that were not legitimate during the George W. Bush administration (Maitland, 1989, p.11). To increase and ensure legitimate practices in government and to secure a legitimate administrative state, Peffer (2008) suggests that public servants must be recruited that possess expertise, values, virtue, leadership, and vision. Government agencies should focus on recruiting the best and the brightest managers and employees but public servants must develop a direct relationship with citizens in order to be completely legitimate. Research shows that the bureaucracy has to be legitimate in practice not just in theory (Peffer, 2008, p. 1). When all of the pillars of public administration are combined, they are likely to produce legitimacy which creates stability within the state. There are four sources to gain legitimacy; constitution, legal, public perception, and professionalism The legal is the primary source because it is the thing that can prove that you have something such as school diploma verifies that you earn a degree from that school. The secondary legal source of legitimacy is constitution because the constitution is used to determine the legitimacy of anybody that has an authority position. Third is public perception. The perception of someone regardless their position in society makes them legitimate in some level (Beaumaster, 2009). Accountability The goal of public service is to provide the greatest amount of public good for the least amount of money. The public depends on governments to provide high quality services; therefore, public servants are held highly accountable by the constituents they serve. Accountability is a fundamental element of public administration is linked with the other pillars. Accountability requires ethical decision making, equal representation, legitimacy, efficiency, effectiveness, responsibility, and accountability is intertwined with the dichotomy of politics and public administration, as well. Public servants are held accountable by both the public and the elected officials. A rational civilization can only be organized and achieved through accountable behaviors carried out legislatively, judicially, and administratively (Ashworth, 2001, p. 163). Accountability in the public sector is a bigger issue than in private sectors of business. It is a fact that public managers and organizations remain accountable to various authorities and interests and to the rule of law in general (Rainey, 2003, p. 96). Private sector industries have one goal and that is usually monetary profit. The goals of public agencies are typically quite different. Providing the public good and carrying out the will of the public is a very vague goal and one that is an ambitious endeavor, as well. With this being stated, public agencies are held accountable to a wider range of people than private sector businesses. Representativeness is highly related to accountability because it refers to the multitude of ways elected officials must represent their citizens (Rainey, 2003, p. 97). Through being chosen to represent a locality or a state government or even national government, public officials are held accountable. The dichotomy of politics and public administr ation should be highly transparent here. According to the literature, there are different types of accountability. The types of accountability are: Hierarchical, legal, professional, and political. Rainey (2003) defined hierarchical and legal accountability as having increased levels of control. With hierarchical and legal accountability, it is less likely that a bureaucrat would be granted large levels of discretionary decision making power. Decision making would likely evolve from top-level executives within the organizations. One will find decreased levels of control with professional and political accountability. Administrators may be granted the discretionary decision making power to decide whether or not a response is wise to an external influence (Rainey, 2003, p. 96). Accountability is a serious element of Public Administration. For example, many researchers believe that the episode with the Space Shuttle Challenger explosion in 1986 can be attributed to group think (Forest, 1995, p. 1). Group think falls under the category of professional accountability. In the situation of the Challenger explosion, accountability issues resulted in taking the lives of seven people. Public administrators are often confronted with unethical situations where they are forced to make the right decisions in order to abide by their accountability standards for carrying out the good of the public. It is important to remain accountable to the public and to the elected officials one serves without compromising integrity in order to achieve career advancement or to not hinder career advancement (Ashworth, 2001, p. 153). Public organizations do not have the luxury that private businesses enjoy because their daily operations and files are open to the public. The public must be promised accessibility in order to garner trust from constituents. Accountability is a large realm of public administration that encompasses many aspects of public service. Representation According to Dr. Beaumaster (2010), representation deals with who is going to represent the will of the people. Are they those who are elected by the people themselves? Representation is not the cornerstone of public administration but it is the cornerstone of our entire government system. So the people chose who is going to be responsible and accountable for the country and them. According to Jefferson, power came from the land and from the people (cited in Kettl, 2002). So without people, the government has no power. The jobs of public administrators often require the pursuit of consistency in order to achieve stability. But the role of the elected official can be somewhat different because the politician is the person that has been chosen to represent the public. Ashworth (2001) explains that politicians tend to seek change and new accommodations in an attempt to impress their constituents for the purpose of gaining re-election. Politicians often want to sweep out the old and bring in the new, whereas public administrators want to tinker with existing programs and make incremental changes in an attempt to improve public service, (Ashworth, 2001, p.11). It should be evident that the goals of politicians and public administrators are different in nature. Those innate differences are what create the issue with representation in public administration. Representation is a classic issue in government and public administration and more recently is has garnered significant attention because of affirmative action programs, equal employment opportunity policies, and a growing trend towards increased representation on diverse populations (Rainey, 2003, p. 97). Representativeness is the pillar of public administration that refers to the ways elected officials can represent their citizens and these different ways are what mold and shape the responsibilities of a public servant. Elected officials tend to determine the way the needs of their citizens are represented and this illustration of how the dichotomy of politics and public administration works. In regards to the pillars of public administration, they are all interconnected with representativeness. In order to be adequately representative of a targeted population, a public servant must exhibit ethical behaviors, be responsive to needs, produce efficient results, and obtain high levels of legitimacy. Rainey (2003) explains that there are two types of representation: passive and active. Rainey explains that active representation occurs when members of a group actually serve as advocates for the group in decisions about programs and policies (97). Passive representation simply refers to situations where members of a group are simply present in a government entity or agency. The difference between the two types of representation was imperative to explain because the type often determines the values, goals, and mission of an agency. The type of representation that is decided upon has potential to create contention. Conflicting values and criteria often present challenges for public managers. Furthermore, external authorities and political actors intervene in management decisions in pursuit of responsiveness and accountability, and impose structures and constraints on the pursuit of equity, efficiency, and effectiveness. Rainey (2003) made it known that sharp conflicts over which values should predominate-professional effectiveness or political accountability, for example-lead to major transformations of organizational operations and culture (98). Anytime an agency is influenced by external sources to change or alter their value system, for example, issues are likely to arise. All of the information presented in this essay explains the issue with representation. Efficiency and effectiveness In the early days of public administration, government was corrupt. Politicians exercised coercive powers in order to get tasks accomplished. In an attempt to deter corruption in government, an emphasis on efficiency and effectiveness evolved. Efficiency and effectiveness are considered as criterion to measure performance in government. Performance measures are proof of successes and failures in social programs. Public administration researcher, Fried (1976) considered efficiency to be one of the major performance criteria for public bureaucracy in America today. James Madison discussed in the Federalist Papers that dividing government into three branches was a way to place a checks and balances system on powers (Rainey, 2003, p. 94). Madisons ideologies explain how demands for efficiency and effectiveness started. Performance criteria deter corruptive, unethical behaviors in government. Too much political control would not enable public administrations to operate effectively and eff iciently; therefore, agencies would not be able to accomplish the objectives associated with the other pillars of administration. The overall goal of public agencies is rooted in the definition of efficiency. Efficiency has been defined in the literature as producing a good or service at the lowest cost possible while maintaining a constant level of quality (Rainey, 2003, p. 95). The general public holds public servants accountable and responsible for bringing this goal to fruition. Public servants are expected to illustrate competency in their work and incompetent values do not play a role in efficiency and effectiveness. Former United States President, Bill Clinton, launched the National Performance Review in response to inefficient government. Clintons attempt to streamline government resulted in 324,000 government jobs being eliminated (Rainey, 2003, p. 95). Efficiency and effectiveness can be hindered by unethical behavior. Public administrators play the most important role in program and policy implementation. Efficient implementation is imperative for producing effectiveness. If efficient, competent behaviors have not been engaged in, a program or policy evaluation is likely to reveal incompetence. Law enforcement agents, commonly referred to street-level bureaucrats, are granted massive levels of discretionary decision making power. In the event they chose to not implement a policy handed down from a high-level executive, they are not being accountable, responsive, efficient, legitimate, or effective. Hypothetically speaking, if a police officer pulls someone over for speeding and makes the decision to let the driver go and not write a citation they are exhibiting incompetent behaviors. Incompetency leads to inefficient policies that are not effective. If a policy is not enforced by the bureaucracy, it may be deemed as useless. Measuring effectiveness often presents obstacles for public agencies. Bureaucracies are often burdened with the choice of whether to measure effectiveness using subjective measures or objective measures (Rainey, 2003, p. 136). This poses a problem because agencies do not always produce measurements that are tangible; therefore, many agencies may measure effectiveness through profits and productivity (Rainey, 2003, p. 136). Mott (1972) studied effectiveness in public agencies by requesting that managers rate the quantity, quality, efficiency, adaptability, and flexibility of their departmental units. Motts study is representative of how organizations may combine both a qualitative and quantitative approach to measuring effectiveness. If an agency proves effectiveness, it is highly likely that public administrators have engaged in efficient strategies to implement programs and policies.
Monday, August 19, 2019
Industrial Revolution Essay -- essays papers
Industrial Revolution â€Å"Industrial Revolution†, in my opinion, is not a correct term. It makes it sound as though the whole thing happened at once, which it did not. It was rather an industrial evolution, or better yet an industrial chain reaction. One event impacted others and these changes impacted yet others. There were many important inventions during this time period. These inventions all made life a little easier for the people living during this time. There was an increasing demand for new material for clothing. The invention of the spinning jenny and powered loom made this possible. Steam engines provided power for machines. The cotton gin was another important invention. The Cotton gin made it possible to make clothes out of cotton, instead of the scratchy wool that clothes had always been made out of. Railroads were a very important invention during this century. Before the railroad was invented, people who lived away from their families never saw them. There simply was no easy way for them to visit. By 1869, railroads could go coast to coast in six and a half days. This is one way that the Industrial Revolution impacted social aspects of people’s lives. The Industrial Revolution did not only provide positive changes. There were also many negative changes. However, when you’re dealing with something that is going to change people’s lives to this degree, some downfalls can be expected. The industrial r...
Exploring Personal Choices in Toni Morrisons Beloved Essay -- Toni Mo
Exploring Personal Choices in Toni Morrison's Beloved At the climax of her book Beloved, Toni Morrison uses strong imagery to examine the mind of a woman who is thinking of killing her own children. She writes, "Because the truth was simple, not a long-drawn-out record of flowered shifts, tree cages, selfishness, ankle ropes and wells. Simple: she was squatting in the garden and when she saw them coming and recognized schoolteacher's hat, she heard wings. Little hummingbirds stuck their needle beaks right through her headcloth into her hair and beat their wings. And if she thought anything, it was No. Nono. Nonono. Simple. She just flew. Collected every bit of life she had made, all the parts of her that were precious and fine and beautiful, and carried, pushed, dragged them through the veil, out, away, over there where no one could hurt them. Over there. outside this place, where they would be safe. And the hummingbird wings beat on." (163) A full analysis of the book, or even of this passage, would be more extensive than is justified by the constraints of this paper. To a large extent this book is about the victims of the system of slavery. However, Morisson uses this and other passages to comment on issues that are still present even after significant changes in social and economic systems. One statement Morisson is making here is that there is a dichotomy between what we should do to obey our personal spiritual laws and what we should do to exercise "common sense" or "be normal." Also that often neither of these is what we actually do nor what we want to do as a person trying to live life. She makes it implicitly clear in this sentence, as she does in other parts of the novel, dealing with other characters. It is va... ...uate all the options we have for dealing with it. Perhaps Toni Morrison wrote this book to explore choices that we all have made between what is right for the "reasonable man" and what is right for us in the context of what we believe and feel, and how we reconcile those things as we deal with society afterward. God judges the heart of every person, but other people can only judge and deal with us on the basis of what they see and hear us do and say. That is a major challenge for each person: expressing his or her true feelings clearly, before and after the action, and expressing them to a sympathetic person who is also able to parse that expression. Perhaps the "hummingbirds" in this passage were all the reactions by people who closed Sethe in rather than allowed her to express herself openly. Works Cited Morrison, Toni. Beloved. New York: Plume, 1997.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Admiration Of Anne Bradstreets :: essays research papers
Admiration of Anne Bradstreets values as compared to those of Ben Franklin and Johnathan Edwards The relationships that people have with others has a severe impact on that person’s life, albeit many are good, some, though, are bad. How we choose to form, maintain and use these relationships is up to us, just as what they mean is up to us too. I will show the relationships of some writers and how they treat others, as an important value to me. Three writers of our era, Benjamin Franklin, Jonathan Edwards, and Anne Bradstreet are most notable with their relationships with people. My thoughts on Benjamin Franklin’s work were unfortunatly on the negative side. To sum his writings up, they were long, boring and not concise. His writing varied heavily. He was known for writing on one topic and then changing to another then skipping to yet another. The following paragragh is an exerpt of his writing’s to show the long, varied writings that changed from subject to subject: “I have been the more particular in this Description of my Journey, and shall be so of my first Entry into that City, that you may in your mind compare such an unlikely Beginning with the Figure I have since made there. I was in my working Dress, my best Clothes being to come round by sea. I was dirty from my journey; my pockets were stuff’d out with shirts and stockings; I knew no Soul, nor where to look for lodging. I was fatigu’dwith Traveling, Rowing and Want of Rest. I was very hungry, and my whole stock of cashconsisted of a Dutch Dollar and and about a Shilling in Copper. The latter I gave the People of the Boat for my Passage, who at first refused it on Account of my Rowing; but I insisted on their taking it, a Man being sometimes more generous when he has but a little Money than when he has plenty, perhaps thro’ the Fear of Being thought to have but a little. Then I walked up the Street’ gazing about, till near the Market House I met a boy with bread…'; (p. 241) Because of the skipping around, to often unrelated topics, it is very difficult to pay attention, read and keep straight as to what is Franklin’s point. One could almost call the style of writing a form of rambling. From Franklin’s work one is able to deduce that he is a good man with good intention and is a upbeat and optimistic person but he doesn’t really care for people and treats them like object and tools.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Ladder 49 vs. the Real Fire Department Essay
Ladder 49 is a firefighter movie which gives us a better picture of the real deal in firefighting. Several facets are shown in the movie which takes us to the more intimate level of the lives of firefighters where they do their job, and the personal lives they have that are entirely affected by their being firefighters. We get a picture of how firefighters create long lasting bonds within the confines of the rigorous job and also the consequences that the job imposes to the family members. The movie may probably be the most realistic depiction of firefighting scenarios in the US by far in film history. Theoretically, the creator of the film has employed firefighter circumstances and made it as real as it can possibly get. There are, of course, some differences made due to the cinematic requirements imposed by the film industry. But overall Ladder 49 may just be about the closest look into the realities of firefighting. The story revolves around Jack Morrison, as played by Joaquin Phoenix, who worked as a firefighter for a Baltimore station. The plots of the story are basically just about Jack Morrison’s career, his personal life, and the tragic event which lead to his unfortunate demise. The movie shows every stage of his career as a firefighter. The highlights of the initial part of the process of being a firefighter showed immediate camaraderie within Jack and his colleagues. This is portrayed in scenes where the firefighters pull pranks within each other, get into fights with each other, and just plainly have fun together. The movie establishes the kind of relationship that the profession brings into the lives of these people; a certain bond of brotherhood that is highly needed in the nature of a profession which is always in a high risk of danger. Also the movie presents moving fatalities and injuries as it is present in the line of work of firefighters. Jack’s personal life aspect, however, revolves around his family. The movie showed his courtship with Linda, played by Jacinda Barrett, to their marriage and to having their own family. The more personal level of the movie gets into scenes where the it shows the effects of Jack’s being a fire fighter to the family members. One example is when Linda gets too affected with the line of work of her husband as she came into her senses when she was in a funeral of Jack’s colleague. Then the movie further shows her distress in scenes where she, while pregnant, sees her husband on the television performing a highly dangerous stunt while saving a life. This also presents the kind of trouble the marriage gets into as they fight over the danger of his career and the fear that it entails. Eventually thereafter, they had children of their own and built a family while Jack pursues a higher, more hazardous post in the department. One of the most moving storylines of the film is where Linda declares her fear of seeing the red car showing up outside their house. In real life, the red car means that the firefighting department is to report not just the death of the family member working for the department but it can also be an injured family member. Thereafter, in the latter part of the film, it did show up and it is probably one of the most moving portrayals of how the consequences of the line of work of firefighting can heavily affect personal relationships. The movie basically revolved around a scene where Jack struggles to survive in one very tragic happening amidst an instance where he was doing his job. He was trapped in between a closed space and a heavy amount of fire. During these times, the movie just draws flashbacks of all the highlights of Jack’s career as a firefighter, his relationship with his colleagues, and his personal life with his family. The movie started with this scene and practically ended in it as well. It shows scenes where Jack talks to his captain, Mike Kennedy, as played by John Travolta, while he was struggling to escape from the fire. It also showed the moving, and tragic scene where Jack gave up and declared that he should be left alone inside the burning building and have his captain command the rest of the firefighters to evacuate. Subsequently, his death marked a tremendous loss in Baltimore as it was presented in scenes of Jack’s funeral ceremonies. Although this movie is deemed to be a very good depiction of the real life scenarios of firefighters, there are still some irregularities in the movie that can be addressed. Some of the scenes may even seem to be unrealistic and are obviously integrated in the movie to add to certain levels of the film industry’s entertainment standards. One manifestation of this irregularity is when Mike Kennedy, Jack’s captain, orders his firefighters to go inside the burning building to get Jack. This would seem very appropriate for the movie as a medium of telling the audience that Jack needs help. However, the truth is in real life firefighting situations, there are no protocols whatsoever that requires the captain to signal a command to get their fellow firefighter out of danger. Firefighters are trained to be highly independent on pursuing their tasks amidst adverse conditions. This is because most of the time communication between each other and even with the captain is not easily accessible. This consequently trains the firefighters to act based on their instincts which also mean that if a fellow firefighter is in danger there should not be thinking twice and waiting for commands. Instead instinct should take its toll to just try to save the life of the fellow fire fighter in danger in any way possible. Another inconsistency is when Mike Kennedy tries to exert as much sympathy as possible to the loss of one of their colleague due to a fire incidence. He tells his subordinates to take as much rest as they need. However, in a real firefighting scenario, bereavement does not require time off as the responsibilities entailed in firefighting are broad and cannot just be neglected easily. There can be no disclosures of irregular time offs with firefighters as it is very important that they report to their stations adequately and on time. As shown in the film, there is a scene where they show the firefighters in the station resting in their beds, and when there is a call for duty they just instantly position themselves to get ready for work. This just goes to show that time is indeed important in the firefighter’s duties and responsibilities. This movie also missed hitting it in a much more sensible treatment in such case as Jack’s declaration of a hopeless situation. This is when he deliberately asked his captain to stop the rescue and just have the rest of the team leave the premises because there is no chance that he can survive the circumstances. In real life situation however, there is no chance that the captain will fall for the command of his subordinate and just let the firefighter in danger burn. The real life situation would be less dramatic, and more action-oriented. The firefighters will do just about everything to save the life of their fellow man even if the said person in danger asks for him to be left alone. This is what the camaraderie and brotherhood brings about which is discussed earlier However, above all these irregularities in the film are also many great and truthful depictions of the real life firefighting scenarios. One of which that made a clear portrayal of the firefighting scene is the quick death of one of the firefighters. The instantaneous death is very similar to how it really happens in real life. The swiftness of the events in life and death situations is just as fast as it is depicted in the movie. Also, the scenes where Jack was amidst a burning house searching for someone who is in trouble of getting burnt inside is a good depiction of real life firefighting. The actions and happenings inside have a genuine feel to it. In other movies which show fire scenes, smoke conditions are not really as heavy as it truthfully is because audience will not be able to see anything if the realistic amount of smoke is integrated in the film. But Ladder 49 made a really good representation of how the smoke can be inside the burning building. This also shows how Jack struggle to get through with the situation in ways such as crawling in the dark and knocking some things over. Generally, the film may be perceived as just another drama portraying the heroism of firefighters. But more than anything else, this movie portrays everything that is good and bad in the firefighting profession. This also makes us appreciate that such people who are ready to risk lives for the welfare of everyone still exists in our society. References Ochieng, F. (2004). Ladder 49. The Top Box Office Movies. Retrieve December 19, 2008 from http://www. theworldjournal. com/special/movies/2004/ladder49. htm Scott, D. (2004). Review: ‘Ladder 49’ Burns With Heated Action. Joaquin Phoenix Gives Sincere Performance. Retieved December 19, 2008 from http://www. 4029tv. com/entertainment/3775785/detail. html Bolton, G. (Producer, & Russell, J. (Director). (2004). Ladder 49 [ Motion picture]. United States: Touchstone Pictures & Beacon Communications.
Friday, August 16, 2019
The Unethical Approach to Immortality
Clint Stoeck Professor Kelly History 1302 19 October 2012 HeLa: The Unethical Approach to Immortality Henrietta Lacks is, one of the greatest contributors medical science and research in the past century. Albeit, she never knew of her contribution. In fact, it took twenty years for her family to be informed about the extensive number of cells that had been produced, and that would continue to be produced, to further studies in the best medical interest of mankind. The ethics of this situation are hardly questionable and this is what â€Å"The Immortal Life of Henrietta Lacks†by Rebecca Skloot discusses.The blatant use of Henrietta Lacks’ tissue without her consent, while it was a huge benefit to the medical field and mankind, was highly unethical and the lack of consent from her and her family have led to the questioning of the moral standards of the medical field. We see Henrietta Lacks and her family as an example of the apathy that the medical field exhibits during this time towards underprivileged people and the lasting effects that it can have on society. The twentieth century was a rather confusing time for the medical field.We were always advancing and consistently on the verge of new technological capabilities. The â€Å"medical revolution†that transpired during the twentieth century began to develop some unintended side effects though. Ethics began to take a back seat to the advancement of medical research and Henrietta Lacks fell victim to these unethical practices. When she discovered â€Å"her biopsy results from the pathology lab: Epidermoid carcinoma of the cervix, Stage I†, she had the cancer removed. Henrietta was able to continue her life without a problem after the removal and thus continued her life as it was, previously to the cancer.She did not know that the cancer had essentially been harvested, not fully removed, and used to produce the largest supply of cells in existence. After Henrietta Lacks’ deat h, the use of her cells continued for years. They have been used as a medium for in vitro fertilization to polio vaccinations. One of the problems that make this situation questionable is the fact that Henrietta Lacks still died from this cancer. She was not helped but used as a genetic farm without knowing, until she expired. The other half of this situation is how Henrietta Lacks passed away which in this case, was excruciatingly painful.The doctors viewed her as a â€Å"miserable specimen†and saw no need to examine her further. After Henrietta’s death, word traveled quickly the George Gey laboratory, where her cells where originally cultured. They froze her body and used it as a template to continue their research. They began mass producing her cells in a warehouse in Tuskegee at about twenty thousand vials per day. They began to profit off the production and tell not a word of it to Henrietta’s family because they would be legally entitled to a portion of t he profits.Not only have they disgraced the body of Henrietta Lacks, they blatantly avoid telling the family about their activities after her death. In 1973, the Lacks family learned of their mothers past situation. They could not grasp the concept that the cells were not immortal but replicated millions of times over. However, it seemed to be that all the brothers, in the family, cared about was receiving a portion of the profits made off Henrietta’s cells while the sisters were more concerned about how their mothers’ medical records got into the hands of strangers.During this time, it was an upheld tenet that doctors practiced confidentiality with their patients but they were not legally obligated to do so. This moral dilemma plagued the twentieth century. Patients were only treated properly if they were high paying or highly regarded people of white ethnicity while everyone underneath them were seen as borderline guinea pigs for genetic testing. Henrietta Lacks†™ situation and death, along with her family’s treatment regarding their mother, is a microcosm to the ethics and practices of the twentieth century.People cannot be seen as guinea pigs, but as people that need treatment and help. It is the duty and responsibility of the medical field to uphold high moral and ethical standards and to maintain these standards. It appeared that, during the twentieth century, that the very people that medical field worked to help, were treated with little respect. Henrietta Lacks’ ordeal will serve as a lesson to the medical field in terms of ethics and responsibility towards their patients. â€â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€Ã¢â‚¬â€œ [ 1 ]. Skloot, p. 8 [ 2 ]. Skloot, p. 75
Thursday, August 15, 2019
Boy in Striped Pajamas
BOY IN THE STRIPED PYJAMAS – TOPIC 2 In the novel Boy in The Striped Pyjamas, prejudice and discrimination are shown to have many negative effects on many of the characters such as Bruno, Shumel, Father, Mother and Kotler. In my essay I will explore this idea in relation to the novel. Discrimination, (or in other words negatively putting someone down but not physical hurting or touching them in anyway) is taken place in Boy in The Striped Pyjamas by many different people such as Gretel, by following Kotler’s decisions Gretel is discriminating because she is supporting the Germans belief.Prejudice on the other hand, (is another word for negative physical contact such as kicking, hitting or even killing) in Boy in Striped Pyjamas this is shown by the Father, Hitler. Also Kotler beating up Pavel over he had miss poured the wine. One of the most obvious examples of discrimination in this novel is the concentration camp and the negative effect it has on the Jewish prisoners. The fence that is separating Bruno and Shumel is there for a reason because of race, religion and culture. Shumel is living in fear, depression and is slowly emaciated, not only does he feel sad and isolated it is how he has been treated.In the book the writer says that Bruno looks and Shumel and ‘He stares at the floor and looking as if he was trying to convince his soul not to live inside his tiny body anymore’ he sits there in the rough dirty ground. Pavel is the butler at Bruno’s house and is also a Jew, like Shumel. When Bruno hurts himself on the tire swing he comes across Pavel and learns a bit about him. That he was a doctor but then got taken into the concentration camp and got everything taken away from him his clothes, family and food. Bruno was surprised and puzzled.Later on when Kotler comes to Bruno’s house form dinner Kotler gets mad at a conversation they were having and his temper rises. Kotler ask’s Pavel for wine, he had become w eak and was trembling and limping a fair amount, Pavel he spills the wine all over Kotler and end up with Pavel in a serious condition. Despite the more powerful position of the Germans, the discrimination that takes place in the novel affects all the characters negatively. Mother is afraid of the concentration camp being too close to the house and is scared of the terrifying consequences it could, and did lead to.When Bruno and Shumel knew more about each other and realised that they weren’t meant to be friends but they looked further than that. Once Bruno and Shumel became greater friends Shumel asked Bruno a favour, to come over that side of the fence to find Shumel’s father. When Bruno accepts and goes ahead with it they get in trouble and get cramped in tightly by groups of 100’s and 100’s of adults they get sucked into the gas chamber and Bruno and Shumel die. The act of discrimination and prejudice ultimately led to the death of Bruno and Shumelâ⠂¬â„¢s life.Father, Hitler and Kotler were the three main prejudice leaders in this novel Father the commandant directing the soldiers to complete the ‘The Final Solution’ led to death for all Jews and sadly Bruno and Shumel as well. Father never felt the same way again he felt guilty that they had taken away so many lives, innocent lives and couldn’t even imagine how so many of them felt like that for most of their lives. Mother wasn’t happy about the decision in the first place and felt unsecure about the whole Out-with thing, she knew it would end up to something bad but did expect it like that.By the end of the novel Father was shocked, distressed and very heartbroken about Bruno’s death and realised that he hadn’t taken much notice of Bruno till then. When the soldiers took him away, because he wasn’t doing his job properly he didn’t care what they did or where going to do all he cared about was Bruno and his Family. Eventu ally they all moved back to Berlin after a few weeks, which was also not much different because of grandmother, but they couldn’t handle the pain in Out-with. But no matter where they are in the world, they will never forget about Bruno, ever. Boy in Striped Pajamas BOY IN THE STRIPED PYJAMAS – TOPIC 2 In the novel Boy in The Striped Pyjamas, prejudice and discrimination are shown to have many negative effects on many of the characters such as Bruno, Shumel, Father, Mother and Kotler. In my essay I will explore this idea in relation to the novel. Discrimination, (or in other words negatively putting someone down but not physical hurting or touching them in anyway) is taken place in Boy in The Striped Pyjamas by many different people such as Gretel, by following Kotler’s decisions Gretel is discriminating because she is supporting the Germans belief.Prejudice on the other hand, (is another word for negative physical contact such as kicking, hitting or even killing) in Boy in Striped Pyjamas this is shown by the Father, Hitler. Also Kotler beating up Pavel over he had miss poured the wine. One of the most obvious examples of discrimination in this novel is the concentration camp and the negative effect it has on the Jewish prisoners. The fence that is separating Bruno and Shumel is there for a reason because of race, religion and culture. Shumel is living in fear, depression and is slowly emaciated, not only does he feel sad and isolated it is how he has been treated.In the book the writer says that Bruno looks and Shumel and ‘He stares at the floor and looking as if he was trying to convince his soul not to live inside his tiny body anymore’ he sits there in the rough dirty ground. Pavel is the butler at Bruno’s house and is also a Jew, like Shumel. When Bruno hurts himself on the tire swing he comes across Pavel and learns a bit about him. That he was a doctor but then got taken into the concentration camp and got everything taken away from him his clothes, family and food. Bruno was surprised and puzzled.Later on when Kotler comes to Bruno’s house form dinner Kotler gets mad at a conversation they were having and his temper rises. Kotler ask’s Pavel for wine, he had become w eak and was trembling and limping a fair amount, Pavel he spills the wine all over Kotler and end up with Pavel in a serious condition. Despite the more powerful position of the Germans, the discrimination that takes place in the novel affects all the characters negatively. Mother is afraid of the concentration camp being too close to the house and is scared of the terrifying consequences it could, and did lead to.When Bruno and Shumel knew more about each other and realised that they weren’t meant to be friends but they looked further than that. Once Bruno and Shumel became greater friends Shumel asked Bruno a favour, to come over that side of the fence to find Shumel’s father. When Bruno accepts and goes ahead with it they get in trouble and get cramped in tightly by groups of 100’s and 100’s of adults they get sucked into the gas chamber and Bruno and Shumel die. The act of discrimination and prejudice ultimately led to the death of Bruno and Shumelâ⠂¬â„¢s life.Father, Hitler and Kotler were the three main prejudice leaders in this novel Father the commandant directing the soldiers to complete the ‘The Final Solution’ led to death for all Jews and sadly Bruno and Shumel as well. Father never felt the same way again he felt guilty that they had taken away so many lives, innocent lives and couldn’t even imagine how so many of them felt like that for most of their lives. Mother wasn’t happy about the decision in the first place and felt unsecure about the whole Out-with thing, she knew it would end up to something bad but did expect it like that.By the end of the novel Father was shocked, distressed and very heartbroken about Bruno’s death and realised that he hadn’t taken much notice of Bruno till then. When the soldiers took him away, because he wasn’t doing his job properly he didn’t care what they did or where going to do all he cared about was Bruno and his Family. Eventu ally they all moved back to Berlin after a few weeks, which was also not much different because of grandmother, but they couldn’t handle the pain in Out-with. But no matter where they are in the world, they will never forget about Bruno, ever.
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