Friday, November 29, 2019
Ban Smoking In Public Places Essays - Smoking,
Ban Smoking In Public Places Banning smoking in public places Before people start smoking they have a choice, but once you are a smoker that choice goes and you then become an addict. Smoking is the inhalation and exhalation of the fumes of burning tobacco. The dried leaves of plants are smoked in a pipe or in cigar form, but mostly in cigarettes. European explores arriving in the western hemisphere observed native American smoking leaves of the tobacco plant in pipes, and the practice was introduced onto England in the 1500's. The general attitude was that smoking relieved tension and produced no ill effects. Epidemiologists soon noticed that lung cancer was on the increase. The public at large was ignorant to this fact. At first the medical profession were viewed with scepticism. It took many years for their voices to be heard. Medical science has now proved beyond a doubt that SMOKING KILLS. Most smokers will tell you that it is their choice to smoke, that may be the case but what if that smoker is a female and pregnant, what if that smoker sits in a room filled with young children and inflicts her choice on to them. Smoking has become anti social in the 1990,s and the non-smokers voice can now be heard loud and clear. The government has an ongoing campaign to make mothers aware of the damage-smoking can do to the defenceless unborn child. If a woman smokes during pregnancy the she delivers nicotine and carbon monoxide into her babies blood stream. The baby is more likely to be born small and be more prone to illness in the first months of it s life than the child of non-smokers. Doctors have also said that it has been linked to cot deaths. Statistics show that the risk of a stillborn baby or one, who dies in the first week of birth, increases with every cigarette smoked. People have a right to sit on a bus or in a cinema and not be the victims of passive smoking. A report published in the 1988 showed that passive smoking (breathing in other people's smoke) can increase a non-smoker's chance of getting cancer by 10-32%. Passive smoking can also causes chest complaints and general ill health. Research shows that children in the same room as smokers breathe in sidestream smoke which comes of the end of a lighted cigarette. They also breathe in main stream smoke, which the smoker breathes out. The pressure is now on the smoker as they are now the minority. Non smokers want to travel to work and enjoy leisure activities in a smoke free environment and it is their right. Why should I have to go out and have my health damaged and my clothes ruined or made smelly by other people with a bad and dangerous habit. Libraries and most public places have a no smoking policy. Restaurants have smoking tables but this does not prevent the smoke or the smell reaching other tables. Government policy has to be expanded to cover every aspect of smoking in public. It has reached the stage were it is an offence to drink alcohol in the street this should be the same for tobacco. Young children are easily influenced and the sight of a teenager smoking could be the trigger to turn that child into a smoker. Much as we feel sorry for these addicts it is them who made the initial choice. They should not be permitted to force on us. Social Issues Essays
Monday, November 25, 2019
Free Eric Schlosser’s Articles Essay
Free Eric Schlosser’s Articles Essay Eric Schlosser’s Articles Over the years, many people have been eating various types of food manufactured by fast food industries. However, no one has bothered to find out where they come from or the conditions in which they are produced. This paper provides a rhetorical analysis of Eric Schlossers What We Eat, Chew on This: Everything You Dont Want to Know About Fast Food and Reefer Madness: Sex, Drugs and Cheap Labor in the American Black Market. They will sensitize readers on the secrets of fast food companies and the dangers associated with these popular products. Besides, it provides a critical evaluation of dangerous effects of the black market industry, which has been wrecking havoc not only to Americans but to the entire world population (Falconer 2009). These articles are so resourceful since they provide a lot of valuable information, which can sensitize the entire world population on issues of concern. First and foremost, Schlossers articles are based on scientific research conducted by collecting data from interviews and personal observations. He is a renowned investigative journalist who has carried out numerous studies in different areas. His works are acceptable because he conducts his investigations in a professional manner. As an investigation journalist, he uses his skills to uncover underground business operations, which have been wrecking havoc to Americans. In What We Eat, he reports about the dangers associated with fast foods He says that many people love this type of food without understanding the implications associated with its consumption. He says that the leading fast food companies like McDonald's are not committed to ethical codes of conduct guiding such businesses. Their practices are indicating that they are not concerned about the welfare of their clients. Instead, they selfishly aim at making the maximum possible profit without considering the interests of their clientele. For instance, they do not inform them about the ingredients of these increasingly popular burgers and fried chicken. Besides, they only create misleading ads which cannot enable customers to know more about them. For instance, they do not tell them why these foods are much sweeter than any other food. He argues, Behind them lies a simple explanation for why eating a hamburger can now make you seriously ill: There is shit in the meat. this means that this type of food can cause a lot of health problems. Schlosser asserts that there are many dangers associated with this kind of food He says that people are not aware of what they eat. However, it is the same food that defines their identity. He informs readers that fast food has been in American market since early 1950s. However, none of its users has bothered to know more about its source, implications, and dangers associated with it. The spread of BSE [mad cow disease] in Europe has revealed how secret alliances between agribusiness and government can endanger the public health. It has shown how the desire for profit can overrule every other consideration. These companies only desire to make profits. Apart from exorbitantly charging their clients, they underpay their employees. He does not blame them for this ignorant behavior, but instead accuses manufacturing firms such as McDonald's for concealing fundamental information from them. In fact, they will never let anyone know why they are increasingly becoming deceitful, greedy, and unfair both to their employees and clients. Such sentiments are repeated in the Chew on This: Everything You Dont Want to Know About Fast Food, in which he asserts that fast food industry has now invaded schools and toy industries. In this text, he uses a lot of illustrations, simple, clear, and precise language. He takes on this approach because he is targeting kids as his main readers. The information about toys can only be relevant and appeal to them because they are their main users. After carrying out his investigations, Schlosser reports that many children have been using toys without understanding anything about them. Since the market has become larger, the most popular toy manufacturing companies, such as McDonald's (which also happens to be the leading fast food manufacturer), have decided to invade restaurants and learning institutions (Derdak, Jay 2004). These are places through which they can easily access children and encourage them to buy their products. Despite receiving acceptance, children are not aware of the sources of these foods, where they are manufactured, who manufactures them, the conditions in which they are produced and the reasons why they taste so sweet. He goes ahead to sensitize them about some of the things they may not be interested in about the same food These include how chicken and cattle are brutally slaughtered, cooked, and eventually packed before being supplied to them in the market. For instance, he says, And workers who needed to go to the bathroom weren't allowed to take a break. They were forced to pee right on the slaughterhouse floor, near meat that people would soon be eating. This is a clear indication of how messy such plants are. They are not hygienic at all. However, Schlosser stresses that such information cannot be revealed by any manufacturer since it can damage the reputation of their business. He advises children to be wary of such foods and be so inquisitive about them. Otherwise, they may be the principal source of health problems such as obesity and cancer. In fact, he suggests that Congress should ban advertising that preys upon children, it should stop subsidizing dead-end jobs, it should pass tougher food safety laws, it should protect American workers from serious harm, it should fight against dangerous c oncentrations of economic power. Lastly, in Reefer Madness: Sex, Drugs and Cheap Labor in the American Black Market, Schlosser explores the development of black market in the USA. As a result of the persistent unethical practices, porn, marijuana, and immigrant labor has been illegally thriving in the USA. This has not only affected the USA, but the whole world in general. He reports on how black market has become bigger and influential not only in the USA, but also in other parts of the globe. Its implications are felt by all people, including those who do not personally handle such products (Feige 2007). He uncovers how cartels reap huge profits from illegal sales of pornographic literature, illegal immigrants, and dangerous drugs such as marijuana, heroin, and cocaine. These are all illegitimate and should not be practiced. Although the Government is aware of them, it has not put in place effective measures to eradicate it once and for all. Hence, apart from denying it its revenue, it negatively influences the citizens. Because black market constitutes 10% of the GDP, Schlosser strongly recommends that it will be eradicated through whichever means possible. He is right for saying that A public outcry usually masks a private obsession. Otherwise, it will still be the major source of immoralities like promiscuity, theft, robbery, and violence, which are now spreading to other corners of the world. In the above articles, Schlosser demonstrates his writing prowess Apart from using a simple and clear language, he gives an extensive report. As already highlighted, it is a work of his research, which he conducted as part of his journalism career. The use of multiple sources of collecting data including interviews, documentary analysis, and direct observations makes his work valid, authoritative, and sound. His writing style varies depending on his target. For instance, in Chew on This: Everything You Dont Want to Know About Fast Food, where he was mainly targeting young readers, he divides the book into sections, each covering a certain area. At the same time, he uses numerous illustrations, which enable readers to visualize the main message of the text (Carrigan, De Pelsmacker 2009). He provides relevant information, which is focused on addressing the plights of people in the society. His investigations are extensive and relevant to the society. As he explains, people are always what they eat. However, it is quite unfortunate that they do not even know what they eat. So, it is necessary to carry out an extensive research to know about what they consider a sweet food. He fully unveils the way fast food manufactures use bacteria and induce food colors and flavors to their products in the laboratory. Unknown to the people, this has detrimental effects on their health. Conclusively, these articles were properly written because they are based on a research work They provide exhaustive explanations and evidences, which make it valid and authoritative. Eric Schlosser is a distinguished scholar, who uses his writing prowess to address relevant issues affecting the general society. Although he uses different approaches in his writings, his messages are very clear and easy to understand. He uses relevant and appropriate examples, which are helpful in expounding his major themes. Many people have become victimized because of lack of knowledge. However, ignorance is not an excuse. These articles are so resourceful and are recommended to anyone willing to positively transform his life. They can shock, frighten, inform, educate, challenge, and challenge them.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Billy's Case Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Billy's Case - Essay Example A man gauges his position, his benefits, and losses and thus makes a rational choice. A crime or misdeed always comes with its consequences and the person who is guilty of violating the law is liable to punishment. The penalties of crimes differ with the nature of the offense and the circumstances under which the crime was committed. Shoplifting can be defined as the theft of goods or merchandise from a retail establishment. The penalty of shoplifting depends upon the penal code of the state where the theft has taken place. The penalty usually depends upon the retail value of the stolen goods; it can result in a fine or sometimes imprisonment as well in case the retail value of the stolen merchandise is very high or if the shoplifter has a criminal record (Shteir, 2011). In some states, shoplifting comes under the provision of theft or larceny. But even then it is considered a petty theft and the offenders are not charged and sentenced too harshly. While other states differentiate shoplifting from other theft offenses, shoplifters are charged lightly as compared to other theft offenders. Shoplifting is one of the most common types of property theft because the penalty for it is not too high. Rational choice theory posits that crime is a result of rational choices; people weigh both the ends before committing a certain crime. So, if people are under the impression that shoplifting is a petty crime with a low penalty and shoplifters are not sentenced heavily, there is a chance that they might get indulged in shoplifting more than in other crimes, for which the penalties are high. Unlike major thefts, there is a big chance that the offender might get away with shoplifting as it is done during working hours. Surveys and research have proved that most of the shoplifters are amateurs. If the penalties are increased, the people who are not professional criminals will think twice before committing a crime. If the outcome of the offense is not beneficial
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Platos Republic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words
Platos Republic - Essay Example Plato believed that a harmonious society can be attained by the interaction of specific mode of righteous and rational order of political philosophy based on the implementation of virtue. However, the "Republic" likewise the "Statesman" and the "Law" and other few other short dialogues, described as political dialogues, the political philosophy had received significant consideration in the approach of Plato. Conceptual analysis, as introduced by Plato for the first time in the framework of political philosophy, is defined as a mental clearance implying the clarification of a conceptualization in its implication, using which the philosopher and analyst can deal with incompatible ideas corresponding to the requirement based on rational reality. In his political philosophy, Plato thus, coined the conceptual analysis as a tool for evaluating beliefs corresponding to find out the result of the best political order. The continuum representing the movement from clarification of analysis by the virtue of evaluation of beliefs to attain the goal of best political order is enunciated in the structure of Plato's Republic. This paper aims at finding out the basic philosophy of Plato's analogies and his formulation of the division of soul structure as well as an insight of Plato's defence of the Republic King in the "Republic" with a clear understanding of critical evaluation of Plato. Basic Philosophical Conceptualization of Plato The Good Plato, being the idealist philosopher, described the idea of the Good in his volume "Republic" through the dialogues of Socrates. The idealization of the Good is described as the child or offspring (ekgonos) of the Good, as ascribed by the superlative model of goodness, hence attributing to the absolute determinant of justice. Plato's explanation of his theory of justice, as articulated in his ideology of a city in dialectics, affirmatively attributed the rule of rational mind as implicated in the formation of philosopher-king, having the ability to take a hold of the Idea of the Good. Plato theorised that the highest attainment of knowledge or wisdom is the Idea of the Good, which has an implication in gaining usefulness and value. In general, the humans are programmed to practise the good, but without the knowledge of philosophical reasoning this attainment is not perfectly possible. Goodness has its own implication of involving factors such as justice, truth, equality and beauty t hat can be defined as the "Hierarchy of Forms". Our ideologies to understand materialistic knowledge based on mathematics and science are propounded with the underlying theme of abstraction by the methods of opinion based on perception that is actually situated at the bottom of the materialistic plane. The Cave The Republic is one of the most influential contributions made in the history of political philosophy and the Cave is the most popular allegory of the Republic. In the Republic, the human condition is described as in the state of prisoners constrained in a cave observing only the shadows reflected on the wall they are facing. The goal of human mind is thus transcendence from this state by virtue of incorporating genuine education, envisaged as liberation from imprisonment, and articulated as a movement
Monday, November 18, 2019
Stress Management in Organisation Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Stress Management in Organisation - Assignment Example The relationship between marketing and information technology, in this case, is vital because both coexist to improve the other. For instance, information technology plays a role as a management tool in a business organization e.g. decision making and strategic management. To illustrate this, we can say for instance that organizations do produce goods and services at a given level of production that meet the demand on a daily basis. Not every day does a business enjoy boom sales and so decisions related to output will be based on the information management has in order to meet the demand of the market. In strategic management, the company will be able to enjoy a competitive advantage (Kotler, pg 22). This is developed through distinguishing a company in an extraordinary business in contrast with other players in the consumer’s opinion. This can only be achieved through information technology. Implementing this strategy will lead to an improvement in the efficiency and effectiv eness of the organization. Competitive advantage has an important role in the success of a business and in accomplishing this; the organization will need a Marketing structure that will help to realize their objective (Mohr, pg 23). Information technology plays an important role in improving the value of products. This can be taken from the perspective of quality of goods and services produced. The technology gives a systematic test in making sure that goods produced are of the right quality thereby adding value. One way of ensuring that quality is achieved is through the marketing followed by accounting from the customer and finally testing of products which involve effective and efficient procedures of information technology. The high-quality goods that have been produced will be taken to the market and marketing will aid in making them public (Nambisan, pg 7).  Â
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Lephalale Exxaro Training Centre
Lephalale Exxaro Training Centre The purpose of this report is to provide a description of the period of vacation work spent at Exxaro Resources Grootegeluk mine. The requirement was set to the student to spend time with and work with artisans in their everyday environment to gain valuable practical training and experience. The training provided a broad overview of the environment that an engineer can be exposed to and must be able to handle during his or her practice. A comprehensive understanding of different disciplines was attained by working with diesel mechanics, millwrights, electricians and fitters. Tasks completed range from the manufacturing and assembly of components to the maintenance of existing systems and troubleshooting of systems that dont function as expected. The incorporation of a study of personnel management added another dimension to the training period by informing the student about the enabling, employee lifecycle and supportive services offered to the employee to ensure a satisfying and adv ancing working environment. INTRODUCTION Exxaro Resources Ltd is a South African mining company that owns coal, mineral sands, base metals as well as industrial metal related assets. The majority of its revenue is however generated by its coal mining business units. Exxaros Coal Mining Division is established as the fourth largest producer of coal in South Africa with eight different coal mines throughout the Limpopo and Mpumalanga provinces under their control. Exxaros Grootegeluk Coal mine in Ellisras in the Limpopo province is an open-cast coal mine with the largest coal beneficiation facility in the world. It supplies power station coal to the Matimba Power Station and also produces coking coal for use in the production of steel, as well as high quality metallurgical coal. It is also the home of the Medupi power station expansion project which, after completion will lead to Grootegeluk being the largest open-cast mining facility in the world. CONTENT 2.1. PRACTICAL TRAINING 2.1.1. SECONDARY MINING MAINTENANCE INTRODUCTION The central workshop on the Grootegeluk site is responsible for tasks such as repair, maintenance, assembly and fabrication. The workshop is divided into three sections, namely Mining Maintenance, Plating and Refurbishment. The secondary mining maintenance section situated in the central workshop on the Grootegeluk site is primarily responsible for the maintenance of the water trucks, tippers, low-beds and smaller trackless mobile machinery. Time was spent working in this section, in cooperation with diesel mechanics, to acquire knowledge of the maintenance and operation of the trucks. TRUCK INVENTORY 3 water trucks and 3 tippers are required to operate at any time. The trucks used are supplied by Caterpillar and are classified as the CAT 777 models. The models that operate on the mine currently are the CAT 777D and CAT 777F models. The plan at the moment is to phase out the CAT 777D trucks and incorporate the newer CAT 777F models. LAYOUT OF CHASSIS AND POWER TRAINs A major advantage of the fact that the CAT 777 models are being used is the fact that the chassis and power train can be used interchangeably between trucks that are of the same model. Depending on what is required, either a water tank or bucket can be mounted on the chassis making it a versatile alternative to the purchasing of trucks manufactured for specific purposes only. The trucks are powered by an 870 horsepower, 27.9 litre engine. The power from the engine is sent through a torque converter, which is followed by a prop shaft leading to a semi-automatic transmission, differential and the left and right rear final drives. The basic layout of the truck can be shown as follows: 2 WATER TRUCKS Responsibility of water trucks: Spray water on the mine roads to reduce the amount of dust caused by the passing of trucks and mine machinery In the event of a fire on the mine, the water trucks may be used to extinguish the fire by use of a nozzle mounted on the front Capacity: The total load carrying capacity of the water trucks depends on the model. The capacity of the tank on the older CAT 777D trucks is 80000 litres while the tank on the newer CAT 777F has a slightly larger capacity of 82000 litres. Pump and spray system: A centrifugal pump system is used at the back of the truck to pump water from the tank to the spray nozzles. Water flows down from the tank into the pump where it is then rerouted upwards into the piping system leading to the spray nozzles. The spray nozzles then project a jet of water at a small obstruction which again changes the direction of travel causing the water to disperse Diagram of piping: Diagram of side view of spray nozzles TIPPERS Responsibility of tippers: Waste and overburden in the mine is defined as rock and soil that cannot be used for the extraction of product. It also includes the waste produced during the extraction of the product. Because of the small amount of coal content that might still be present in the waste there is always a risk of spontaneous combustion. The tippers are responsible for moving and dumping red sand and topsoil on the waste dumps and the areas around the pit to shield the area from intense direct sunlight and reduce the probability of spontaneous combustion. The tippers also operate occasionally in the pit together with front-end loaders to clean out small amounts of material that the shovels and larger trucks are unable to collect because of the lack of space for operation. Capacity: The load carrying capacity of the tippers is dependent upon the condition of the hydraulic system used to lift the bucket. Two hydraulic cylinders are used to lift the bucket and tip the load. In a brand new condition, the tippers are able to handle a load of 120 tons while a tipper that has been in service is typically only loaded up to 100 tons to ensure that the system will be able to dump the load. SERVICING THE TRUCKS In the coal mining environment, the trucks are required to be serviced after every 300 hours of operation. During the training period, both the CAT 777F and CAT 777D models were serviced. The 300 hour service on the CAT 777D truck entails the following: Sampling 3 different samples of fluids were taken while the engine was still running Engine oil Transmission fluid Hydraulic fluid 6 more samples were taken after the engine was switched off Left front hub oil Right front hub oil Left final drive oil Right final drive oil Steering fluid Differential oil These samples were then sent to the mine laboratory. The samples are then analysed to check for the presence of iron filings or debris that could indicate the presence of wear on the components. Replacement of filters The sump plugs and used oil filters were removed to drain the engine oil Although the primary sump is the most important to be drained, the engine also has a small secondary sump that was also drained Used oil was caught in an oil trolley New oil filters were installed Diesel filters were removed New diesel filters were installed New steering filter was installed Checking the fluid levels The level of the oil in the final drives, front hubs, differential, hydraulic system and transmission were checked Transmission fluid was filled up Engine oil was filled up The servicing of the CAT 777F trucks was handled by certified Barloworld technicians, since the trucks have only been operating on the mine for a short time. Mechanics present in the workshop had to thoroughly observe the tasks that the technicians were performing in order to learn what needs to be done. Eventually the task of servicing will be handed over to the diesel mechanics. DRIVING THE TRUCKS The trucks operate using as semi-automatic transmission. This transmission eliminates the need for a clutch pedal, leaving only a brake pedal and an accelerator pedal. A torque converter is however incorporated with the gearbox to fulfil the purpose of the clutch. Three different braking systems are available on the trucks. Operators seldom use the foot brake which exerts a braking force on the all four wheels of the truck because of the heat generated. The steering column is fitted with levers to operate two other braking systems. The retarder lever is primarily used to slow the truck down by exerting a braking force on the rear wheels. The secondary lever is a last resort for operators and, when pulled, exerts a braking force on all four of the trucks wheels simultaneously. When the trucks are stationary and the engine switched off, the park brake has to be engaged. Additional stop blocks are placed behind the wheels of the trucks to prevent them from rolling. When the truck needs to be driven the following steps are taken: Engage the park brake Engage the retarder lever Select the number of gears required from the transmission Disengage the park brake Disengage the retarder lever Press the accelerator pedal The transmission will shift through the number of gears selected Steer the truck 2.1.2. CENTRAL WORKSHOP: PLATING INTRODUCTION The central plating workshop at Grootegeluk mine is responsible for the majority of the sheet metal work that needs to be done on the mine. Artisans in this section have the task of manufacturing and assembling components of structures or machinery in and around the mine. The plating workshop also has facilities to sandblast and spray the components manufactured. The majority of the workload of the workshop finds application in the production and beneficiation plants. Time was spent with boilermakers in order to gain an understanding of sheet metal work. MATERIAL Mild steel and stainless steel are the dominating types of steel used in the workshop. The type of material used for an application is in some instances limited by the capabilities of the available machinery. PREHEATING Preheating of materials is an advantageous process when welding has to be performed and aids in the assurance of a strong, quality weld. Four main reasons for preheating exist. Preheating of the metal reduces the rate at which the welded component cools down. Rapid cooling of the welded joint could cause shrinkage of the metal in the vicinity of the weld which eventually leads to the formation of cracks and reduces the strength of the weld. In materials with low ductility, the shrinkage stress in the weld area could cause extensive deformation of the component after welding. Preheating lessens the effect of distortion by giving the welder the opportunity to utilise a momentary increase in ductility during the welding process. When the temperature of the parent material that is being used is too low, it can cause the deposited electrode metal to cool rapidly, leading to the prevention of the fusion of the metals. Preheating lowers the risk of this situation occurring. The amount of preheating required is dependent upon the thickness and configuration of the plates to be welded. The final reason for preheating relates to the presence of moisture on the surface of the metal. If the surface of the metal is wet during the welding process it could lead to the rejection of the weld or an accelerated tempo of surface crack formation in the welding region. TIPS FOR FLUX-CORED ARC WELDING The flux-cored arc welding used in the workshop uses a wire electrode which is shielded by an appropriate gas. In general, flux-cored wires are manufactured to function with either carbon dioxide or a mixture of argon and carbon dioxide as shielding gas. The shielding gas prevents the spark from causing the uncontrolled dispersion or oxidation of the electrode metal. Flux-cored arc welding is generally performed by dragging the welding gun along the joint that needs to be welded. When welding t-joints it is important to maintain the welding gun at a 45à ¡Ã‚ ´Ã‚ ¼ angle to ensure that the electrode metal is evenly deposited in both pieces of metal. When completing butt welds the torch needs to remain in an upright position and should not deviate from the upright position by more than 15à ¡Ã‚ ´Ã‚ ¼. This will also ensure even distribution of the electrode metal during the welding process. 75à ¡Ã‚ ´Ã‚ ¼ EQUIPMENT Welding Lincoln electric Idealarc DC-600 power source Direct current welding power source with a maximum current output of 850 A and maximum voltage output of 44 V Lincoln electric LN-25 PRO semi-automatic wire feeder Wire feeders are connected to the power source to feed electrode wire through the welding gun Tri-mark TM-791 Flux-cored electrode wire used in conjunction with CO2 as shielding gas Matweld Anti-spatter Silicone mat 0810 Spray canister that is used to prevent the spatter of electrode metal during the welding process The spray is applied to the welding gun Cutting torches: Two combinations of gases are used in the cutting torches. LP gas and oxygen are used together, or acetylene and oxygen Lighting the torch The operator opens the LPG or acetylene feed and lights the gas After the LPG or acetylene has been lit, the oxygen supply is opened to enhance the flame An optimal flame to cut metal with is a quiet flame of blue colour with no visible or distortions Application of torches Torches are primarily used to cut mild steel in the workshop. Torches cannot be used to cut stainless steel. Technically speaking torches do not cut, they burn the metal. Burning involves oxidation of the metal. The high temperature of the flame accelerates this oxidation process. Stainless steel has low iron content and will not rust in the presence of the flame. Automated cutting torch This machine has the ability to follow a shape by means of a proximity eye on a table at the left side of the machine, while simultaneously moving the torch in the exact same pattern to cut a component from metal plates on the right side of the machine. Shapes are drawn and cut out on a yellow plastic sheet. The edges of the shape are then painted white. The shape is then placed under the eye which follows the outline of the shape while cutting the metal in the same way. Plasma cutter: Cebora Plasma Prof 80 art 947 Uses only compressed air to make accurate cuts in metal up to a thickness of 20 mm and rough severance cuts up to 30 mm Operation: The plasma cutter used in the workshop utilises high pressure gas which is sent through a small tubular gun. The small tubular gun contains a negative electrode that creates a circuit when the gun is brought close to the metal. This electric spark caused by the circuit causes the gas to be heated into the plasma state of matter and reaches a temperature of about 16000à ¡Ã‚ ´Ã‚ ¼C. This extremely hot plasma then melts the metal that is being cut. The plasma cutter can be used to cut any metal. In the workshop it is used to cut stainless steel plates. Sandblasting equipment: Spartan engineering 800M pressure vessel 200 L capacity The purpose of the sandblasting equipment is to clean and remove paint from the surface of metal components which then prepares the surface to be spray painted. TASKS OBSERVED Due to the nature of the precision and accuracy required to complete the jobs, most of the time in the workshop was spent observing and assisting. The following jobs were in progress: Manufacturing and assembly of waste buckets Waste buckets are used around the mine for different waste material. These waste buckets are made by the mine boilermakers. Three waste buckets were being built for use around the mine. Plates for the structure had to be cut, bent and welded together using a cutting torch, bending machine and welding machine. Basic side layout Basic front layout Wear plates Two sets of wear plates are used as sections of a vibrating beam in one of the assemblies in the plants One set of plates have six holes through which it fastens the beam The second set of plates are rectangular and support two springs Because of the magnitude of the forces acting on these wear plates, bearing failure of the plates occurs during operation. This wear is however allowed and monitored for a period of time before the beams are then removed and the worn out plates cut off New wear plates were manufactured according to specification Clamps for pipes Clamps were manufactured to fasten the pipes used in the plants Haulpak truck operators cab Boilermakers assembled the frame of an operators cab for one of the Haulpak trucks. Drawings were supplied giving detail of the cover plates that had to be fabricated, as well as assembly drawings to show the final required layout. The welds utilised were to be either 3 or 6 mm one-sided fillet welds. The M12 nuts that were used to assemble the frame also had to be tag welded. Extractor fan piping system Maintenance on the plants requires occasional replacement of the piping on the extractor fan system. A 6 pipe assembly was manufactured to replace the old system. Flanges were cut and holes for bolts were punched. Pipes were cut to the appropriate lengths and shapes after which flanges were welded onto the pipes. 2.1.3. GG 3/4/5 AND WASTE MANAGEMENT WORKSHOP INTRODUCTION The GG 3/4/5 and waste management workshop at Grootegeluk mine is responsible for the mechanical and electrical maintenance of the GG 3,4 and 5 plants as well as the system set up to convey waste to the dumps. A wide variety of systems, from substations to conveyor belts, are the responsibility of the artisans in this workshop. Time was spent with fitters and electricians to gain an understanding of the tasks required. TASKS COMPLETED Replacement of motors in GG 5 tunnel: After completing the necessary safety protocol the first task was to replace two 380 V electric motors in the GG 5 feeder tunnel. The job required both electricians and fitters to complete and was completed by these steps: Since the motors operate on a 380 V control voltage, the first task was to cut the electricity supply to the motors by isolating the breaker in the substation The new motors, weighing in at 118 kg each were carried down into the tunnel using a sling wound around the motors The electrical supply wires in the cable box were disconnected After disconnection, the bolts on the old motors were loosened and the old motors were removed The new motors were then hoisted into place by a small handheld portable crane The bolts were fastened to keep the motors in place The electrical supply wires in the cable box were reconnected The supply to the motors in the substation was switched on The final step was to check if the motors were in fact turning in the right direction Proximity sensors: The job relating to the proximity sensors required the attention of electricians and required thorough investigation into and troubleshooting of the wiring circuit leading to the sensor on the feeder motors. The proximity sensors kept burning when they switch after connection. The function of a proximity sensor is to detect the presence of a metal component within 5 mm of its periphery and takes the form of a small circular cylinder with a threaded outer casing and electronic components inside. These sensors are used to indicate to the operator whether the lever at the electric motors has been engaged. This prevents the motor from running without being engaged to the feeders. The troubleshooting followed a sequential path: First the cable leading from the junction box at the motors was followed back to the PLC in the substation The basic function of a PLC (Programmable Logic Controller) is to provide an electronic interface between the supply and the components The PLC can be set up to perform certain tasks during certain time intervals and can also receive and respond to inputs from other electronic components From the PLC the total length of the cable was divided into 4 sections PLC to distribution panel Distribution panel to junction box Junction box to cable box Cable box to proximity sensor The connection at the proximity sensor requires the presence of a live and neutral wire At first glance the suspicion was that both the wires available were live wires, thereby causing a short circuit when the proximity sensor switches A Meggar insulation tester was then used to test each length of cable The basic function of a Meggar is to test the magnitude of insulation between the conductor and the earth A low reading on the Meggar indicates the possible presence of a short circuit or damage to the wire insulation After the use of the Meggar the proximity sensor was sequentially wired into the circuit at each section and tested Eventually the short circuit was found between the cable box and the proximity sensor Servicing of slip ring motors; The high voltage electric motors used to drive the waste conveyor belt system are 6.6 kV slip ring motors. These motors need to be serviced regularly to ensure efficient functioning of the system and to prevent the motors from being damaged. Equipment needed: Meggar insulation tester Blower Cleaning solvent Extension cord In order to complete the service of the slip ring motor, the following steps had to be taken: The electrical supply to the motor was cut off by isolating the breaker in the substation The side cover panels of the electric motor were removed Twelve brushes inside the motor were then removed from the brush holders Special care had to be taken to make sure that the brushes dont touch each other The Meggar insulation tester was then connected to the slip rings Negative terminal connects to the body of the motor Positive terminal connects to the slip rings An initial reading of 640 MÃŽ © was recorded The control voltage on the motor is an indication of the reading required from the Meggar For a 6.6 kV motor the reading from the Meggar should at least be 6.6 kÃŽ © The Meggar was removed and the inside of the slip ring and brush casing was blown out with the blower After blowing out dust and fine copper, the slip rings and the inside of the casing were wiped with a cloth and solvent to remove the last bit of fine copper The Meggar was reconnected and a reading of 3.22 GÃŽ © was obtained which was adequate The side cover panels were replaced and the electrical supply to the motor was switched back on Replacement of a 6.6 kV slip ring motor: The 6.6 kV electric motors used for the conveyor system eventually deteriorate in such a manner that they cannot be brought back to an acceptable operating state by means of a service only. These motors then need to be replaced and are sent away to be properly refurbished if it is possible. The following steps were followed: The electric supply to the motor was cut off by isolating the breaker in the substation The electromagnetic drum brake was released and moved out of the way The shaft coupling (jaw coupling) between the shaft on the motor and the shaft on the gearbox was disengaged The panels covering the electrical phase terminals and winding terminals were removed and the supply cables were disconnected The next step was to loosen the bolts at the bottom that fasten the motor to the structural frame The old motor was then hoisted by means of a forklift and removed The new motor was then put in place The electric supply was reconnected to the phase and winding terminals The bolts at the bottom of the motor were fastened slightly and the shaft coupling replaced to prevent excessive movement of the motor Alignment of the shafts was then done Shaft coupling was properly engaged The bolts on the structural frame were fastened 2.1.4. CONVEYOR BELTS INTRODUCTION A brief introduction was given to a typical engineering problem to provide insight into what is often required from engineers. The belt on the waste management system leading to the dump needs to be extended. This is causing problems in terms of the power required from the slip ring motors. The extension of the belt causes additional load to be hauled by the motors. The motors that are currently installed trip when started up on full load. Time was spent studying and applying calculation to determine the power required from the motors to drive the conveyor belt system. POWER REQUIREMENTS OF CONVEYOR BELT SYSTEMS The governing factors relating to the power requirements of a conveyor belt system concerns the provision of the necessary force to overcome the resistances posed by the entire system. These resistances can be divided into 5 subsections: Main resistances FH Secondary resistances FN Special main resistances Fs1 Special secondary resistances Fs2 Slope resistance Fst Main resistances: The main resistances that the motors have to overcome relate to the resistance of the rotating idlers, the resistance by the movement of the empty belt, the resistance of the material to horizontal movement as well as the resistance of the belt due to a slope along its conveying length. The resistance posed by the rotation of the idlers is manifested in the form of the frictional resistance of the idler bearings and seals. Rotational inertia of the idlers also contributes to the resistance posed. The belt creates resistance by means of the indentation resistance of the belt on the rollers. The flexure of the belt and the material that the belt is made of also resists the movement of the belt. An overall calculation to determine the resistance due to rotation of idlers and movement of the empty belt takes the following form: FH1 = (qro + qru + 2qb cos ÃŽ ±) x f x L x g qro Mass per unit length of rotating idler parts on the carrying side [kg/m] qru Mass per unit length of rotating idler parts on the return side [kg/m] qb Mass per unit length of the belt [kg/m] ÃŽ ± Angle of inclination [degrees/radians] L Centre to centre conveyor length [m] g Gravitational acceleration [m/s2] f Friction factor due to idlers The mass of rotating idler parts and the mass per unit length of the belt itself is determined by means of the tables of specifications given in the design catalogue or procedure followed. This requires the belt width which can be decided upon or determined mathematically. These masses are then converted into mass per unit length by means of the following formulas: qro = mro/ao [kg/m] qru = mru/au [kg/m] ao carry side idler spacing au return side idler spacing The decision then needs to be made with regard to the selection of a friction factor. This is also specified by the design catalogue. The Phoenix Conveyor Belt Design Fundamentals catalogue provides the following guidelines for selection: f = 0.017 for well aligned belts with smooth running idlers and low friction f = 0.02 for normal applications f = 0.023 to 0.027 for harsh operating environments, high frictional forces and the occasional overloading of the belt The centre to centre distance can be described as the distance from the head to the tail of the conveying system and encompasses the total possible length over which material can be conveyed. This is usually a parameter that is pre-determined by the specific situation. Finally the calculation of the resistance due to the rotation of the idlers and the empty belt force can be done. The next calculation that needs to be done relates to the resistance of the material to being conveyed horizontally. FH2 = qm x L x g x f x cos ÃŽ ± [N] qm mass of the material per unit length that is being conveyed To calculate the value of qm needed in the above formula, the total capacity or throughput of the belt needs to known. qm = Qm/v [kg/m] Qm The capacity or thoughput of the conveyor system [kg/s] v velocity of the belt [m/s] The calculation for the resistance of the material to horizontal movement can now be done. The resistance posed by gravity due to a slope/gradient along the conveying length also needs to be taken into consideration. Fst = qm x H x g [N] H change in the elevation of the belt along the length [m] After this calculation, all the major primary resistances needed have been calculated Special main resistances: The friction caused by the movement of the belt past the chute flaps is regarded as an important factor that needs to be calculated as part of the power requirements. Secondary resistances: Secondary resistance to the movement of the belt takes into consideration the detail relating to the operation and design of the belt. When material is deposited onto the conveyor belt system, a force is required to accelerate the material in the direction of conveying. This force is manifested in the form of the change of momentum of the material when dropped onto the belt and. Additional resistance to movement is then imposed on the drive system. The presence of skirt plates in the vicinity of the chute to keep material from dropping off the belt causes more resistance to the movement of the belt. This resistance depends on the magnitude of the friction force between the belt and the plate as well as the length of belt in contact with the plate. Occasionally the skirt plates also cause the material to exert a force on the belt which leads to additional frictional resistance. Other secondary resistances also include the resistance caused by the pulley bearings and the wrap of the belt around the pulleys. Special secondary resistances: Additional systems installed on the belt can also cause resistance to the movement of the belt. The basic operation of belt cleaners leads to friction forces being present between the belt and the material as well as between the material and cleaners. These friction forces, combined with the forces of the discharge ploughs, impose an additional load that need to be overcome. The inversion of the belt at the head and tail causes resistance to movement due to the combined effect of the flexure of the belt material and the friction of the pulleys. When designing a long conveyor belt system, the magnitude of the primary resistances generally exceeds the magnitude of the secondary resistances. To simplify the resistance calculations, the secondary resistances are simply accounted for by means of a correction factor on the primary resistances. C = 0.85 + 13.31L-0.576 for 10 < L < 1500 C = 1.025 for 1500 < L < 5000 L Conveying length [m] When this factor has bee
Wednesday, November 13, 2019
Abortion - Touched By an Angel :: Argumentative Persuasive Topics
Abortion Touched By an Angel It's remarkable how a fantasy-based, sometimes sappy TV show featuring angels disguised as ordinary folks can pack more profound truth into one hour than a month of nightly news programs! That's precisely what writer/producer Martha Williamson accom-plished in a recent episode of Touched by an Angel called "The Empty Chair." Bucking the Hollywood establishment and its "pro-choice" ethic, Ms. Williamson displayed unmatched courage and insight into the aftermath of abortion. As newlyweds in Boston, Betsy and Bud Baxter wanted nothing more than to work together on a television show. An offer from an Omaha station to co-host "Breakfast with the Baxters" seemed their first big step on the road to fame and happiness. Fifteen years later, when new station owners abruptly cancel their show, the Baxters are devastated by the loss of their jobs, of their dream, of all that had given their life meaning, and, apparently, of all that had been holding them together. They bitterly vent their disappointment and grief at each other until the arrival of stranded travelers (the angels Monica and Andrew) give Betsy and Bud the chance to tell their stories separately to a compassionate listener. It's not long before the underlying problem surfaces-the unspoken issue that stood between them since accepting the Omaha job: that the only child they'd ever conceived was "lost" shortly before moving there. When Betsy learned of this pregnancy, she spontaneously bought a little baby jumper. Bud reacted negatively to the news. He thought only of how a child could disrupt their career plans on the eve of their first big break. When Bud left for several days to attend a friend's wedding, Betsy dutifully took care of the problem with an abortion. She told Bud only that she had "lost" the child. Betsy tried to conceal her grief, submerging it in work. The sorrow and pain did not go away, but silently, stealthily robbed her of joy, of sleep, of the ability to feel close to her husband, of the ability simply to relax and open herself to life. Bud is torn between wanting to know if their child was aborted and wanting to avoid the question, to protect Betsy and himself from painfully confronting what they had done. Bud struggles to forget, and bristles at the first hint of a discussion of their loss.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Absenteeism, Causes and Effects Essay
I. Meaning Absenteeism is the term generally used to refer to unscheduled employee absences from the workplace. Many causes of absenteeism are legitimate, for example personal illness or family issues, but absenteeism also can often be traced to other factors such as a poor work environment or workers who are not committed to their jobs. If such absences become excessive, they can have a seriously adverse impact on a business’s operations and, ultimately, its profitability. The Labour Department in India defined the absenteeism rate as the total man-shifts lost because of absences as a percentage of the total number of man-shifts scheduled. So for calculation of the rate of the absenteeism we require the number of persons scheduled to work and the number actually present. II .Causes of the absenteeism The rate of the absenteeism in Indian industries is very high and cannot be dismissed. A Statistical study of absenteeism of Indian Labour observed that, the basic cause of absenteeism in India is that industrial worker is still part-time peasant. Thus the workers go to find jobs at cities after the harvesting their crops. It means that when the transplanting season. These workers consider to the modern industrialism is insecure. Thus, cause to high rate of the absenteeism in the industrial sector. According to the Labour Investigation Committee (1946), there were many reasons that caused the absenteeism of the industrial workers. The Commission pointed out many factors which caused the absenteeism in Indian industries. These factors are: 1. Sickness and low vitality: The committee pointed out that sickness is most important responsible for absenteeism in almost of the in Industrial sector. Epidemics like cholera, small-pox and malaria always break out in severe from in most industrial areas. The low vitality of the Indian workers makes them easy prey to such epidemics and bad housing and unsanitary conditions of living aggravate the trouble. However, the Commission has been noticed that the rate of absenteeism among the female workers is higher than their male counterparts. 2. Means of Transport: The Commission also stated that the transport facilities also play very important to contribute the absenteeism of the worker in the industries. It has been pointed out that, the rate of absenteeism is higher in those factories where transport facilities are not easily available as compared to those where such facilities are easily available or provided by the factory itself . 3. Hours of work: The long hours of work also affect the workers’ efficiency and consequently their sickness rate and absenteeism rate are increased. 4. Nightshift: It has also been pointed out that there is a greater percentage of absenteeism during the nightshifts than in the dayshifts, owing to the greater discomforts of work during the night-time. 5. Rural exodus: The committee also pointed out that probably the most predominant cause of absenteeism is the frequent urge of rural exodus. It has been noticed that the workers go back to their villages at the time of harvesting and sowing the crops. It increases the rate of absenteeism in factories. 6. Accident: Industrial accident depends upon the nature of work to be performed by the worker and his ability for doing that work. In case of hazardous nature of job, the accidents occur more frequently which lead to higher rate of absenteeism. 7. Social and religious Function: it has been noticed that workers become absent form their duty on occasions of social and religious functions. Since the workers like to join their families on such occasions, they go back to their villages for like to join short periods. 8. Drinking and amusement: the Labour Investigation committee pointed out that drinking and amusements are also responsible for absenteeism. Since drinking and amusements in the late hours of night make it difficult for the workers to reach in time on their duties. They like to become absent rather than late since they know that badli workers will be substituted for them, if they are late. 9.After Pay-Day: the Labour Investigation committee also noted the level of absenteeism is comparatively high immediately after the pay-day because they get their wages, they feel like having a good time or return to their villages to make purchases for the family and to meet them, so the absenteeism is high after they got paid. 10. Nature of work: the absenteeism rate is also affected by the nature of work. According to Prof. William pointed out that absenteeism prevails because workers are not accustomed to the factory life and factory discipline. In other words, absenteeism prevails because the nature of work in factories is different from that for which the worker is accustomed. So when they come to work in the factory, they feel strange, this new situation make them uncomfortable, so lead to high rate of absenteeism of the industrial workers. 11. Other causes : The above factor which are caused the absenteeism in the Industrial which are pointed out briefly by the Labour Commission. However, there can be tow other factors which caused the absenteeism in industrial sector. These factors are: a) personal Factors and b) workplace factors. A. Personal factor: The personal factor also divided into other sub-factors, these are: i. Personal Attitude: there are different attitude of employees. The Employees with strong workplace ethics will respect their work and appreciate the contribution they make to their companies. Such employees will not engage themselves in taking unscheduled off. On the other hand, employees with very low or no work ethics are indiscipline and have lot of integrity and behavioural issues. Since, they feel no obligation towards the company, absenteeism comes easily to them. ii. Age: The younger employees are often restless. They want to spend time with their friends and have fun, rather than being tied down with work responsibility. This lack of ownership often leads them to take unauthorized time off. With age, people gain experience and maturity, which makes them focused and responsible. Their approach is rather professional and they prefer to stick to their chairs to get the work done. If ever they are found absent, then it could be due to sickness. iii .Seniority: Employees, who have been with the company for a long time are well-adjusted with the working culture and the job, therefore, they find no reason to be absent without permission. On the other hand, new hires are more prone to taking ad hoc breaks to unwind themselves. iv. Gender: Women generally do a balancing act by shuffling their time between home and work. Family, being their foremost priority, they don’t think twice before taking a step towards absenteeism. B. Workplace Factors i. Stress: The pressure at work sometimes takes a toll on the employees. This results in increased levels of stress. The employees then resort to excuses that can help them stay away from work. ii. Work Routine: Doing the same job over a period of time can get monotonous. The employees find the job functions boring. They rather choose time off to do something interesting than come to work. iii. Job Satisfaction: If employees do not find their job challenging, dissatisfaction creeps in. That leads to more absenteeism in the workplace. III. Effect of absenteeism: The effects of the absenteeism of the workers in the factories adversely effect to the employers, the cost of production of the factory is increased because of the absent of the workers, by employed extra temporary staffs in order to replace the absentee. The effects of absenteeism in the workplace are directly proportionate to decreased productivity. The company, eventually, is trying to cover up the direct and indirect cost involved to hire temporary staff, and pay employees for overtime. So the cost of the production of the company is increased as the result they increase the price of the commodity, so the consumers have to pay high price for the commodities.. However, the workers themselves also effect of the absenteeism because their income is reduced according to the principle of â€Å"no work no pay†, as the result their standard of live decreased. Thus, absenteeism adversely affects the employers and the workers, and consumers and ultimately , it can be adverse affect to the growth of the economy in the country. so all these give rises to many industrial labour and social problems. IV. Method to remedy the absenteeism As regard to the measure to be adopted to remove the absenteeism, the Bombay Textile Labour Enquiry committee stated that â€Å"the proper conditions of work in the factory, adequate wages, protection from accident and sickness, and facilities for obtaining leave for rest and recuperation constitute the most effective means of reducing absenteeism. The Labour investigation committee, agreed with the above view, stated that â€Å"the excessive fatigue and sweated conditions of work are bound to create a defence mechanism’ in the worker and if adding results are to be obtained, the best policy would be to improve conditions of work and life for the workers and make them feel contented and happy. Therefore, the Committee suggested that the most effective way of dealing with absenteeism is to provide holiday with pay or even without pay and permit workers to attend their private affairs occasionally and thus regularise absenteeism instead of merely taking disciplinary actions for it . Provision of suitable housing facilities in industrial towns should also go a long way in improving attendance. Besides, the above provisions a sense of responsibility towards industry should be created among the workers through proper education and training. The workers’ participation in the management of industry, introduction of an incentive wage scheme and linking wages and bonus with production may also prove very helpful in checking the rate of absenteeism.
Friday, November 8, 2019
Corporate Crime †BP Oil Spill
Corporate Crime – BP Oil Spill Introduction Most organizations have strived to carry out their operations within the confines of the law. However, in some instances of, say negligence, has made them be entangled with lawsuits emanating from their operations. Some companies knowingly or unknowingly have committed corporate crimes in the pursuits of profit maximization.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Corporate Crime – BP Oil Spill specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More In general terms, corporate crime refers to any crime committed by a company/organization or business entity. Similarly, Yeager (1980) illustrates that corporate crime is â€Å" the conduct of a corporation or employees acting on behalf of a corporation, which is prescribed and punishable by law†. This crime may also reflect the character of the management team as cited by Yeager (1980). BP is one of the respected companies which, in the eyes of many, was involved in corporat e crime. Though it may be argued that crime committed was not intentional, it had far reaching effects on the environment and climate. The crime the company committed occurred in the Gulf of Mexico, which in 2010, fixing environmental and economic issue. These included damage to aquatic life, water pollution and breakdown of businesses among others. It is reported that around 174 million gallons was spilled and spread over an area estimated 25, 000 square miles (Hayward, 2010). BP Oil Company BP is one of the largest oil suppliers of oil on the globe. The organization was engaged in steady operations until 2010, when it experienced lower profits because of the oil spill that happened in the Gulf of Mexico. The Spill happened in April 2010, when the Deep Water Horizon drilling,a company owned by Transocean Ltd, contracted by BP burst and begun burning near the shores of the Gulf of Mexico. The ship began sinking, gushing an estimated 55,000 barrels of oil per day. Efforts to contain the spill was unsuccessful. When it was successfully capped in September 2010, an estimated 205 million gallons of crude oil was already spilled into the ocean. The disaster caused a severe damage and endangered several â€Å"at risk†businesses along the Gulf. These industries included; tourism, recreational and commercial fishing and other businesses tied to natural resources.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More BP Oil Spill Effects Environmental Challenges The BP oil spill had several ethical implications to the organization and the environment as a whole. Some of the effects caused by the spill revolved around the wildlife and the environment. The spill contributed to the disruption of the ecosystem and the wildlife, these included both aquatic and terrestrial wildlife. Similarly, marine and wildlife habitats were extensively damaged, fishing and tourism aff ected as the fish were affected by the oil present in the water bodies. This made their survival a challenge. According to Steiner (2010) environmental and water pollution contributed to both human and aquatic health problems as it led to suffocation of aquatic life besides contaminating the oxygen concentration in water and the environment. Financial Loss Company The BP oil company did not only contribute to the destruction of the environment and wildlife, it incurred financial losses as well. For example, Steiner (2010) indicates that the compensation valuation in physical damages in contrast to actual claims was approximated to be about $20-50 billion. Many authors opine that this figure is one of the grand verdicts ever made compared to the more than $5 billion awarded to Alaska oil spill in American history (Amadeo, 2010). Businesses and Individuals Many businesses and private individuals also suffered financial loss in terms of property and economic damage. These included abou t 13,000 individuals. Among the businesses that suffered hugely included; property owners, the hoteliers, restaurateurs and oyster men. Loss of Life The BP oil pill contributed to loss of life. According to Gardner (2010) eleven people perished and animals and plants died as well. In addition to these deaths, several people were injured, because the spill covered a large surface area, Gardner (2010) notes that sea birds, fish and turtles among others died on a large scale. The coral reefs which add beauty to coastal beaches was also destroyed.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Corporate Crime – BP Oil Spill specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Social Fabric The Oil spill on the Gulf of Mexico confronted an environmental disaster never experienced in the American history. Because of the oceanic and geography processes, the ecological impacts of the spill had a greater impact on the coastal areas. Nevertheless, the s pill affected the social fabric and the ecology of the communities residing in these areas. The situation caused the inhabitants to reflect their relationships with the media, industries and government agencies. According to X, the communities residing at the coastlines blamed the regulating agency for improperly monitoring the extraction of the resource and the BP for the technical failure causing the spill. Along with the media, we viewed the agencies/institutions as incapable of conveying accurate information to the public or addressing critical technical aspects during the response process. Pyrrhic defeat theory illustrates that those who have authority to change the system opt not to do so because they benefit in the way it operates. In this case, the institutions which the residents trusted to be their aid did nothing tangible to safeguard their well being (Alario Freudenburg, 2003). Rather than being a center of first stop, the community argued the institutions and the indus try were colluding in efforts to extract the petroleum resource. Similarly, the media, BP and the institutions were believed as promoting their own interest rather than safeguarding the community through failure to properly represent the community and the story. Thus, the residents were convinced that the values bestowed to the institutions were geared towards political and profit making goals. In a nutshell, the institutions failed to implement policies that would have reduced the risk. Why BP Oil Spill is a Problematic Issue BP oil spill is one of the most complex cases ever to have happened in the world history. This is because the spill covered five Gulf States, that is, Alabama, Mississippi, Texas and Louisiana. The spill altered the structures already established. On a larger scale, it destroyed the livelihood of these states rendering the economic and social survival of thousands of people a challenge.Advertising Looking for essay on business economics? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More Also, Weiss (2010) illustrates that the compensation in terms of physical damages was at a high of $ 20-50 billions. Among the litigants, this amount was believed to be the grant judgement ever to be delivered. Similarly, the spill brought about many groups and individuals seeking compensation. For instance, groups such as the hotel owners of Florida and captains of charter boats sued the company as a result of losing customers. Also, about 15,000 fishermen in Louisiana sued the company by claiming the oil polluted the habitats of fish challenging fishing activities (Hayward, 2010). Another bizarre issue with this case is that there were both physical and non- physical damages occurring. However, under the Tort law, an appellant suing the organization, claiming for physical damages to property is limited to the economic loss but not on the damages inflicted on him/her. Similarly, under the tort law, all the affected parties have to correctly confirm the exact damages caused so as to facilitate quick recovery of their business (Gardner, 2010). As in the case of a BP oil spill, there were many diverse plaintiffs such as the boat operators, sports fishermen and seafood sellers. There were many ideological positions among the decision makers on how to approach the BP case. However, most arguments were inclined on the due course of the law. For example, the American Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) indicated that it would ban the company temporarily from securing new contracts with the government for it had failed to uphold business ethics in their business operations. Similarly, the ideal of criminal justice was upheld by the US government (Amadeo, 2010). The government pointed out that the BP should compensate all the victims of the tragedy. BP had to abide by the decision of the government; it set aside over 40 Billion in fines and settlements, clean up costs on the oil spill and additional 16 billion demanded by the Clean Water Act (Dyer et al., 1992). Sim ilarly, whereas it is in the public domain that the BP oil rig blew up in the Gulf of Mexico, and everyone admits including the BP company, some people have not believed this argument. They feel that this was not a mere accident. It was their unwillingness to improve safety, hence, an intentional act of conspiracy. Conclusion BP oil spill is considered a corporate crime. It led to a lot of actions that were considered criminal. This contributed to the loss of life, environmental pollution and health issues among others. For instance, the pollution of the environment contributed to the extinction of endangered birds and other aquatic species. Similarly, it collapsed family units as some people migrated to other areas for safety and loss of jobs. On commercial implications, properties were destroyed and businesses lost huge profits and business opportunities. For instance, tourist operators, fishermen and captains had their source of livelihood constrained. References List Alario, M. and Freudenburg, W.R. (2003). Paradoxes of Modernity: Scientific Advances, Environmental Problems, and Risks to Social Fabric? Sociological Forum, 17(2), 193-214. Amadeo, K. (2010). Gulf Oil Spill, US Economy. Web. Dyer, C.L., Gill, D.A., and Picou, J.S. (1992). Social disruption and the Valdez oil spill: Alaskan Natives in a natural resource community. Sociological Spectrum, 12 (2), 105-126. Gardner, D. (2010). Bp Market Plunge Wipes Billions Off UK Pension Funds as Shares In Oil Giant Suffer Fresh Falls. Web. Hayward, T. (2010). BP 2010; Strategy Presentation. New York, NY: BP Corp. Steiner, R. (2010). The Largest â€Å"Accidental Oil Spill†in History; Lessons of Bp’S Deepwater Horizon Disaster. Web. Weiss, D., C. (2010). BP Agrees to Pay $20 Billion into Compensation Fund. Web. Yeager, P., C. (1980). Corporate Crime. New Jersey: Transaction Publishers.
Wednesday, November 6, 2019
Free Essays on The Harp Of Erin
â€Å"The Harp of Erin†Thoman Buchanan Read’s painting entitled â€Å"The Harp of Erin†was done in 1867 using breathtaking hues of greens, blues, and tans. This painting done on canvas using oil paint shows a woman standing almost in the ocean on a piece of sea rock. The woman’s stern, yet passive expression leaves the viewer breathless as her beauty over takes the painting. The painting is organized with the woman leaning into the ocean just enough to get the tip of her toe wet from the salt water and crashing waves around her. The focus of the piece tends to favor the right side of the painting, yet the balance of the background waves and dark hues helps the piece tie together. The scale of the painting provides the eye of the viewer to focus on the almost giant figure in the foreground. With the scale used in this painting we see only the woman and the rock leaving only dark stormy skies in the background and rough, rocky waves to correspond with the stormy scene. The artis t uses a variety of shades of blue to help enlighten the face of the woman standing on the ocean. This use of variety also brings a sense of unity to the painting tying all of the shades together allowing it to flow with much consistancy. The chief stylistic features of the painting are the artists use of light and dark, as well as the extreme detail of both the sea rock and her white, flowing dress. The artist uses the techniques of the line to help add a flowy feel to the painting. This type of style draws the eye to certain aspects of the painting. This technique provides the sea rock to have a realistic feel, as well as it brings the rocky image of the stormy sea that surrounds her to life. The use of line is also present in her dress, as the artist used this downward stroke to draw the viewer’s eye into the frame and picture. The extreme use of light and dark in the shades of the hues also helps to bring this 2-D image to life. The ar... Free Essays on The Harp Of Erin Free Essays on The Harp Of Erin â€Å"The Harp of Erin†Thoman Buchanan Read’s painting entitled â€Å"The Harp of Erin†was done in 1867 using breathtaking hues of greens, blues, and tans. This painting done on canvas using oil paint shows a woman standing almost in the ocean on a piece of sea rock. The woman’s stern, yet passive expression leaves the viewer breathless as her beauty over takes the painting. The painting is organized with the woman leaning into the ocean just enough to get the tip of her toe wet from the salt water and crashing waves around her. The focus of the piece tends to favor the right side of the painting, yet the balance of the background waves and dark hues helps the piece tie together. The scale of the painting provides the eye of the viewer to focus on the almost giant figure in the foreground. With the scale used in this painting we see only the woman and the rock leaving only dark stormy skies in the background and rough, rocky waves to correspond with the stormy scene. The artis t uses a variety of shades of blue to help enlighten the face of the woman standing on the ocean. This use of variety also brings a sense of unity to the painting tying all of the shades together allowing it to flow with much consistancy. The chief stylistic features of the painting are the artists use of light and dark, as well as the extreme detail of both the sea rock and her white, flowing dress. The artist uses the techniques of the line to help add a flowy feel to the painting. This type of style draws the eye to certain aspects of the painting. This technique provides the sea rock to have a realistic feel, as well as it brings the rocky image of the stormy sea that surrounds her to life. The use of line is also present in her dress, as the artist used this downward stroke to draw the viewer’s eye into the frame and picture. The extreme use of light and dark in the shades of the hues also helps to bring this 2-D image to life. The ar...
Monday, November 4, 2019
To Investigate How iPhone Maker Apple Competes across the Smartphone Essay
To Investigate How iPhone Maker Apple Competes across the Smartphone Market - Essay Example There are many iconic products in the world, but few have had the power and impact that has been witnessed in the iPhone. The way in which Apple creates a mythology about its brands and the effect that this mythology has upon the perception of the products made by Apple is of great interest. Many companies would want to mimic or surpass this type of powerful branding. Therefore, studying the way in which the product has been marketed to the public is a powerful tool for understanding how such a phenomenon can occur. 4. Research Design Two types of data contribute to the further understanding of the topic of this research study. Primary and secondary researches were explored in order to more fully understand the objectives of the study as they have been framed by the research questions. Primary data was determined through the use of a questionnaire that would be distributed to appropriate participants. The secondary data was taken from resources that have information that would add pe rspective to the topic of this study. This data was taken from internet resources as well as books and journal articles. The secondary research was conducted through the lens of exploratory research, defined by Beri (2008) as creating a focus on ideas that pertain to the concepts within the study. In researching the previously established concepts that pertain to the topic, new ideas can be generated towards discovering new aspects to the study. The data was approached through the grounded theory for qualitative research. The research was coded for its commonalities from which memos will be created in order to organize the discovery into concepts that can be analyzed for their content. In comparing the contents of the research, a hypothesis will then be considered as it is revealed through the data. Although this methodology seems backwards, it provides for the emergence of themes, rather than forcing a preconceived idea and then seeking data to prove or disprove the concept (Straus s 1999, p. vii). 5. Research Resources Analysis The research methodology is essentially qualitative in nature. It does not involve a statistical analysis of the success rate of the marketing campaign of Apple for iPhone. The research is focused on the qualitative understanding of the marketing technique employed by Apple and the effectiveness of this technique expressed in terms of customer feedback and views, and the level of customer satisfaction. To this end, the resources utilized would be in the form of questionnaires sent via email, and filled out in person by customers selected randomly in a marketplace. The second part of the study involves a review of the existing research on the topic through the examination of published journals and articles. Through a cognitive analysis of results obtained from this two-pronged study, and comparison of the established and new research on the subject, a conclusion would be drawn about the marketing methodology and its effectiveness of App le for iPhone. The questionnaires designed for this purpose will have to be open-ended so that they present flexibility to the volunteers to fully express their views. Questions that reflect preconceived ideas about the marketing strategy will be discarded. To this end, a list of all the possible questions will be prepared, from which only
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Madinah Cardiac Centre Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Madinah Cardiac Centre - Research Proposal Example Madinah Cardiac Centre The retention of health workers has been noted to be a very important requirement for ensuring quality delivery of healthcare. Meanwhile, most health facilities in Saudi Arabia go through very difficult times trying to achieve employee retention due to high incidence of employee turnover. This is the problem that has informed the proposed study, seeking to find ways in which the existing problem of high employee turnover can be solved. Based on literature reviewed, it has been established that when employees have sufficient control at the workplace to bring to bear their experiences, dynamism and innovation, they feel part of the overall management of the organisation. This situation is no different for health workers also. Meanwhile, in order for employees at the health sector to be given the room to operate in the manner described, it is important that the concept of employee engagement will be institutionalised at the health facilities. Because the need to undertake employee engagement has been noted to work best when institutionalised, the study seeks to use the concept of cultural metaphor through a social system approach to investigate the best modalities that can be used in making employee engagement a permanent part of the health facilities. Once this is achieved, it will be expected that instead of the health facilities to engage their employees once a while, employee engagement will actually become a permanent part of their organisational culture, where they will be practiced on a permanent basis.
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